Monday, September 14, 2015

Today's Blind Items - She's Just Like Britney

Did you know there is another A+ list singer out there that is just like Britney Spears? The only thing that has managed to keep this other A+list singer out of the headlines is that she is watched 24/7 much like Britney is now. Our singer was headed down a road of hair shaving and pink wig wearing but then got involved with a celebrity who saw their potential as a power couple. He loved the idea of creating a brand with her while at the same time being able to do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted and she would never say or do anything. It is just not in her nature. Apparently she is almost dead behind the eyes and is happy just taking photos of herself and traveling the world. She would rather stay home then to have to get dressed to the level of what is expected. She would rather just watch television or talk to her friends. Her guy loves it. He goes out all of the time alone and is never asked about his life by her. Others close to her call him out, but not her.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    This calls to mind the time the cameras caught her talking to herself and looking dead in the eyes during a Knicks game. Let me see if I can find that link

  3. sandybrook3:12 AM


  4. Tricia133:13 AM

    Mariah carey

  5. Tricia133:14 AM

    Mariah/James Packer

  6. Kno Won Uno3:14 AM

    I can see that. +1

  7. MontanaMarriott3:14 AM

  8. Yeseadleive3:21 AM

    Beyonce / Jay Z

  9. If it's Bey, somebody needs to unleash Solange on his ass.

  10. 1 Toby lmafo!! Right on that's exactly what I was thinking

  11. Chelle3:24 AM

    she just looks high o. Something in that video... Imo

  12. Smoke and Mirrors3:28 AM

    My first thought was Beyonce. Yes, it's her.

  13. Alicia Keys & Swizz Beats, or Swiss Beats, or Twizzler Beats, or Beats by Dre, or whatever fucking stupid ass name her husband has.

  14. mariaj3:49 AM

    Beyoncé? I had an hard time to think that " Sasha Fierce" Beyone could be so need of control, but that video...hugh, never seen her like that...

  15. TopperMadison3:52 AM

    This totally explains that elevator fight! Wow.

  16. Derek Harvey3:58 AM

    Staying home, watching tv and chatting with friends ---this makes Bey sound relatable and more likable

  17. Kno Won Uno4:05 AM

    Explains a little of her insane rage at Jay Z.

  18. HH3144:22 AM

    Serious mental illness, like Britney's is hard to hide. She would not be able to maintain a touring schedule and to constantly churn out new songs/videos, etc. I think Beyonce avoids giving interviews first to seem mysterious and second because her speech sounds really uneducated. I am a bit concerned about her whole Sasha Fierce shtick but overall I do not believe her to be mentally ill, like this post implies. Jay-Z may be a philanderer, but I think he hardly controls her. I think it's her mentality of a southern girl, plus she has seen her own parents acting like that (her dad an embarrassing horn dog, and her mom looking the other way)

  19. Groaning4:57 AM

    If this were Beyoncé, than that might explain why she is still with the ugly Jay Z. Not to mention why Solange just went nuts on him, and why B doesn't do interviews, and I is now hanging out with Kim. This bizarre behavior must be recent.

  20. And-so-on..5:11 AM

    And some what like Janet Jackson, she married rich man and wanted to stay hidden in a private life again, like she did living with jermaine dupri.. but, as her family got greedy and persistent for more and more her new rich husband had enough of them.. so she has to go out and work for for their funding..

  21. lakers5:22 AM


    I always thought her persona was so....suspect. In all her years of fame I've never seen a hint of a personality, flaws, idiosyncrasies, creative vision....really fucking anything. Her tumblr (which I dont believe AT ALL she maintains - assistants probably take the photos and post them) is just about face.
    It's like she is....a robot. This makes total sense!!!

  22. Gaga and Kinney

  23. LuckE36:59 AM

    Totally reading this as Beyonce...

  24. And why Beyonce just smushed herself up into the corner while her sister raged. It's sad to think she has no backbone.

  25. ellie7:19 AM

    yeah, none of this sounds weird, just sorta normal. she should have a backbone, but basically this blind is outing someone (beyonce?) as a homebody.

  26. TheCousinEddy7:32 AM

    @MontanaMarriott That video is just odd. First, it's a little creepy to think that somebody sat and filmed Beyonce and Jay-Z, closeup, for that long of a period of time in a public setting. Second, Beyonce doesn't look like her self. I'm not sure how long ago the video was filmed, but it almost looks like a Beyonce impersonator (even though it's not). Third, Beyonce seems to almost be acting like a very young, inquisitive child. Her mannerisms and the way she seems to ask questions of Jay-Z make it appear she is a shy 6 or 7 year old child. Last, towards the end of the video I kept wondering if Beyonce was wearing ear buds and listening to music. She seems to be swaying and mouthing lyrics to songs that aren't playing in the arena. Overall, very odd behavior from one of today's top female musical artists/entertainers.

  27. Dutch7:56 AM

    Hey the cousin Eddy, which video are you talking about and where can I see it?

  28. Wendy8:05 AM

    Damn, yeah she is fucked up in that video....sitting there just rocking back and

    This blind is def. Beyonce though with that last line.

  29. LauraOK8:28 AM

    Dutch, if you scroll up in the comments, someone (sorry can't remember who!) posted a link to the video. It's worth watching.

  30. Malibuborebee11:03 AM

    Ever since Sasha Fierce came out of the woodwork it's been clear that Beyonce Knowles is mentally ill. That it reaches Britney-level crazy doesn't surprise me.

    That rocking back and forth, childish questions, looking a mess and talking to herself in the video upthread is very Britney-esque. It's a really serious level of crazy. Add the alternate personality and you've got yourself a grade A batshit girl.

    If Beyonce wants to stay home and talk to her friends they ought to let her her do it before she starts attacking cars with umbrellas and marrying unsuitable back-up dancers.

  31. Often people with childhood molestation issues regress into a hidden child person a when confronted by a dominant control persona.

  32. Erin C12:53 PM

    This explains so much about her. And Solange is always around not to ride her coattails, but as a protector. I can totally see this.

  33. Spook1:55 PM

    She's A-list max. Maayyyybe A+ list recognition but definitely not A+ list.

  34. Spook1:58 PM

    I always liked Solange, honestly. I get a good vibe off of her.

  35. It's mimi3:03 PM

    This is totally Mariah. Her brother said recently he worried about her ending up like Whitney and it was right after that she started hanging out with the Aussie dude. Mariah is bipolar, that is known. It is also known that she drinks and those two things don't mix and add up to a lot of cray cray.

  36. the reaction you're looking for?5:26 PM

    I think this clears it up:

  37. Maybe, but she's sold a ton of albums, sold like a million & a half on her last 1 which now-a-days is alot. She's won more awards than Beyonce, she's going to be on Empire this season, & she was considered a big enough name to be the 1 that was put out in front for that Tidal service that A list music stars are a part of.

    She might only be A list at this point, but these are Enty's ratings we're talking about..... he's not exactly known for having the most accurate 1s. :)

  38. I was wrong. I just watched that video somebody posted above & boy does it seem obvious that something is wrong with Beyonce.

  39. Willow12:11 AM

    This explains why she couldn't carry her own child and had a surrogate...maybe they feared that she was at higher risk for post-partum depression?

  40. Carla3:27 AM

    Leann Rimes. Fits perfectly.

  41. Except she's nowhere near a current A+ list singer.

  42. […] alone and is never asked about his life by her. Others close to her call him out, but not her. Today’s Blind Items – She’s Just Like Britney – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS  See, Whores, we are good for something. Love, Florida Reply With […]
