Today's Blind Items - Quick Emmy Hits From AP
#1 - This permanent A list model was talking smack about the guy who should be the next James Bond. Apparently when they had a brief hookup he failed to mention that his significant other could pop in at any time and apparently did. She also said the significant other is pregnant.
#2 - This B list mostly comic television actress who crashed and burned badly when she was in front of the camera but has made a few bucks behind it got into a fight with a B list mostly television actress who is an offspring. Apparently the comic actress called the other actress out on some drug use and the offspring said the comic actress should mind her own business and it got really mean, really quickly.
#3 - Kindness - This B list mostly television actress who is on a hit network show after being booted from a different network show where she was beloved, had two women with her at an after party. She introduced them as her hair and makeup people but really she sneaked them into the party after she bummed a cigarette from one of them outside the venue and they started chatting.