Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Divorcing To Be A Beard

This B+ list mostly television actress who is on a hit network show that saw its lead quit when she wouldn't move, left her foreign born B- list mostly television actor husband. Hey, divorces happen all the time. Not blind worthy at all if left on its own. However, our actress is divorcing her husband because she has agreed to beard for her ex-boyfriend. Yep, that A- list mostly movie actor , who is having issues with his male significant other, not to mention his the woman who did used to beard for him. He thinks, and our actress agrees that he needs to firm up his relationship status to the world and our actress is willing to do it. They used to be a couple when he was confused and she has always loved him. Always wanted him back so she is perfectly willing to beard just to be with him forever.


  1. Tricia133:11 AM

    Jeremy renner and

  2. Tricia133:14 AM

    Manny baccharin/Gotham
    Jada Pinkett the one who quit?

  3. carolinalily3:19 AM

    someone from Mistresses? Alyssa Milano quit because they moved production to Canada...

  4. DoctorMaybe3:23 AM

    Jennifer Esposito is currently married, on Mistresses, and she used to be married to Bradley Cooper.

  5. back again3:24 AM

    Mistresses cast --alyssa Milano "quit"

  6. sandybrook3:25 AM

    Marla Sokoloff and James Franco?

  7. sandybrook3:26 AM

    n/m not her but may be him

  8. back again3:26 AM

    Yunjin Kim & Keanu Reeves???

  9. carolinalily3:28 AM

    it looks like Morena Baccarin just stepped out with Ben Mackenzie as a new couple...

  10. back again3:28 AM

    It's Jess Macallan & Jeremy Renner!!

  11. Tricia133:29 AM

    Jeremy Renner/Jess Mckallen- mistresses

  12. Tricia133:30 AM

    Hubby/soon to be ex - Jason Gray- Stanford

  13. carolinalily3:30 AM

    i was thinking them too...but there haven't been any reports of her getting separated.

  14. Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen

  15. Kno Won Uno3:31 AM


  16. back again3:31 AM

    Jess is married to Jason Gray Stanford who's from Vancouver, CA.
    She is from "Mistresses" & used to date/beard for Jeremy Renner.

  17. back again3:36 AM

    Morena's hubby, Austin Chick is from Hartford, CT...not foreign born...
    BTW, I like that Morena's with Ben MacKenzie fwiw.

  18. Tricia133:38 AM

    Yeah @carolinaIiky - I realized Morena was Bens new beard and her hubby is American(what's up with THAT by the way- he let's her date lol?!) maybe they are officially seperated ?

  19. back again3:53 AM

    Morena & Austin are finalizing their divorce--hashing out $$$...of course...hers,not his.

  20. Tricia134:02 AM

    Thx @BA- it seemed funny to see her "dating Ben" with a hubby sitting at home.Am I the only one thinking she's bearding for him?

  21. KeriG4:09 AM

    Clearly about Renner and Jess MaCallan. I can't see anything about her getting a divorce though. It is probably from the the same source that managed to get the story about his daughter onto a blind site - the one where he didn't really have a kid, but just borrowed his niece for photo ops. This is another story that has been bounced around on gossip sites for awhile, but wishing for it doesn't make it so. PS, she is the one he dumped after 3 or 4 years, just when he actually needed a beard for The Hurt Locker oscar campaign, so that one never made sense to me.

  22. back again4:20 AM

    I dunno but their kisses on "Gotham" looked like they had Real Chemistry...just sayin'

  23. DoctorMaybe5:31 AM

    See, knowing that Jes Macallan used to be a thing with Renner really convinces me that this is them. I was previously unaware of that. I retract my earlier guess.

  24. HH3145:44 AM

    If this is about Jeremy Renner, he is not fooling anybody. Just come out already

  25. back again5:50 AM

    yeah well that's probably HIS call, not the public's...

  26. I think you guys got it with Renner. Nice work.

    Interestingly, people who don't follow the gossip sites will absolutely buy it. Hell, there are still people who think Travolta is straight because he's been married for a long time. Strange but true. Plenty of people don't question anything and just buy what they're told.

  27. Plastic Police7:53 AM

    Jess McCallan and Jeremy Renner

  28. KeriG8:02 AM

    Right, so more than 10 years into a relationship with a man he becomes 'confused' for a few years. Then he comes to his senses, ditches the gf just as he gets famous and in the middle of an awards campaign and takes his mother to the oscars. Now happy and open with his long term boyfriend they decide to complete their family and pretend to have a baby who is really his niece, but to cover up he lies to the courts, agrees to pay a party girl $13K a month for at least the next 16 years to pretend to be a mother and convinces his sister to let said party girl look after her daughter 50% of the time. Mustn't forget he also leaked incriminating stuff to the newspapers so that people would more likely to believe his ex wife hated him and wasn't just a paid employee, But now he is confused again and kicks out his boyfriend of 20 years so that his ex girlfriend will leave her husband of three years and return to him, because she loves him so much. Thank goodness we are clever enough to cut through all the rubbish and see the truth, it is all so obvious.

  29. Come on! We were assured he didn't really have a daughter, but that was shown to be rubbish,We were promised a public outing during the divorce,but it didn't happen. We were promised a huge settlement but it didn't happen. We were promised the ex would disappear leaving Renner and his bff to raise the kid, but the ex is definitely sharing custody and he seems to have fallen out with the bff. Now you saying he is going to very publicly hook up with Jess MaCallan, it better happen or I am going to think BIs are all BS.

  30. Sbreezy2910:56 AM

    I thought Alyssa Milano quit Mistresses because she refused to move? Not sure who the ex would be though.
