Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #2

What A/B-list actress and singer who has appeared in more than one medium agreed to sing at event sponsored by that slimy cult, even though she's a devout Christian and abhors their beliefs? Her reason for accepting this odd gig was that she was getting a big fat paycheck. It just seemed like a desperate move for some extra cash.


  1. Tricia132:16 AM

    Kristin chenowith

  2. Derek Harvey2:16 AM

    jordan sparks?

  3. Derek Harvey2:17 AM

    jenn hudson?

  4. Tricia132:22 AM

    She's Southern Baptist, all I know

  5. Derek Harvey2:23 AM

    it is chenowith

    Kristin Chenoweth Performs At Star-Studded Human Rights Hero ...
    Look To The Stars-Sep 25, 2015
    Emmy and Tony award-winner Kristin Chenoweth performed alongside award-winning composer David Campbell. Special keynote speakers ...

    all scientology people there---ironic that it is for "human rights"

  6. She is the super skinny one with the big voice? Well I guess she has her priorities:(

  7. lila fowler3:30 AM

    Well she is old now and how much money do Broadway people really make? She tried to land a rich dude (Sorkin, Brunetti) and failed, so a girl's gotta make a living.

  8. DoctorMaybe3:32 AM

    Saw Chenoweth at a WalMart in Oklahoma. She's from there, and it was Thanksgiving weekend, and I guess she just stopped in to use the bathroom, because she was coming out of the ladies' when I spotted her. She froze as we made eye contact, afraid I was going to say something and get her noticed, I guess, but I just sort of gave a little wave and smile and she went on.

    Then again, if some other things I've heard about her are true, maybe she stopped in to the WM just BECAUSE she was hoping to get noticed. But who knows.

    But anyway, she's really tiny. Big news, I realize.

  9. SarahLA3:46 AM

    She is scary to me.Talented as heck though.

  10. Even on screen she looks miniscule. That's small.

  11. Gladys Kravitz1:37 PM

    Chenoweth is a fame whore above all else. If there's a spotlight, a mic, and a paycheque involved, I doubt the source of the $ really matters.

  12. Kno Won Uno11:35 PM

    I always get a 'desperate & brittle' vibe from Chenoweth. If she were a dog, she'd be a yappy Yorkie on Paxil & Xanax who constantly trembles and snarls.
