Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

September 28, 2014

This A- list mostly almost television actress thinks she is big stuff. She doesn't understand why she is having to audition for things, but she is. After the initial success of the show she didn't have to, but she is not that great of an actress and after production started on two projects before having to replace her and her bad acting, word got around. Now she auditions and is not having much luck.

Sofia Vergara


  1. Derek Harvey3:33 AM

    Dena FTW! **woot woot*

  2. medley3:40 AM

    I love how this is a shock to her.

    Once Modern Family goes off the air I see no future for her in anything.

    Can't act plus you cant understand her, her voice sounds like loud drunk parrot with laryngitis.

  3. Zilla14:08 AM

    Maybe she can go on the road with Charo.

  4. texasrose4:16 AM

    It is interesting that she has to audition. That being said she only qualified to play buxon, screeching hispanic roles which is why it is interesting that they make her audition. Can't they just watch an episode of Modern Family or 5 minutes of 'Hot Pursuit'? Her complete range is showcased in those roles. Maybe its a casting couch thing.

  5. hothotheat4:17 AM

    "her voice sounds like loud drunk parrot with laryngitis" - so accurate.
    She's great for the part she plays in Modern Family but anything she does outside of that is just another version of that character.

  6. "she only qualified to play buxon, screeching hispanic roles"
    I've seen her in Chef and something John Turturro directed. She managed to tone it down some but she was still used as siren. She was not bad in either role but . . . . . .

  7. ....And Fran Drescher. They can all out-annoy each other and spare the rest of us.

  8. Almost television??

  9. texasrose4:57 AM

    Hyperbole is allowed in gossip site comment sections:)

  10. ellie5:15 AM

    right? pretty sure abc is network tv.

  11. Sylvia12:23 PM

    I find her voice so annoying. Her acting is atrocious.

  12. Boredtechindenver12:42 PM

    I don't think this Enty is reading his/her/its own blinds. I don't care what you say about her acting, but she is either highest or second highest paid actress on TV, and has multiple Ad campaigns going. Right now she is A+ Television, not A- almost TV. This fits Taylor Schilling much better.

  13. Derek's Asshole1:59 PM

    Fuck that noise - it's Laura Prepon.

  14. marlo9:25 PM

    Don't you touch the nanny - Love her!!
    Besides, she wasn't only a great comedic actress in it, she also wrote, produced and directed.

  15. marlo9:28 PM

    don't touch Fran - Love her!!
    Not only was she a great comedic actress, she also wrote, directed and produced.

  16. marlo9:29 PM

    see? I loved her show so much, I had to write it twice.........

  17. D Brown1:00 AM

    I once read an interesting article about the difference in casting between television and movies. In movies they cast to the character but they look for some range. They are going on location only once and if the director decides to play the scene lighter or more intense they have to have the acting skills there and then. In television they cast to the character but then use the continuing scripts to adjust for performance. SV is clearly in the latter catagory and much of her success is based on the writers playing up her limitations in evolving the character.

  18. Yup. It's kind of the same problem that the actress from The Nanny had long ago.....the voice made her famous but it only goes so far and then it just becomes annoying.

  19. Groaning2:44 AM

    Which movies was she fired from?

  20. I forgot to mention that I was agreeing with you.
