Sunday, September 20, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 8, 2014

This B list mostly movie actress who really could use some more work and not just photos of herself dating her A- list mostly television actor boyfriend from a hit almost network show calls herself an animal lover. She might be, but does it mostly for the attention like everything else. That isn’t a service dog she hauls around with her. She just likes to pretend and to get the attention.

Nikki Reed/Ian Somerhalder


  1. sandybrook3:34 AM

    mebbe you are being a bit unfair?

  2. snitty4:00 AM

    hmmm..I'm not sure how pretending her dog is a service dog means she is not an animal lover...or maybe I'm missing something? *shrug* whatever, Enty dude

  3. And-so-on..4:02 AM

    To get paid big bucks to do endorsement work with PeTA?

  4. annoyed4:15 AM

    Most "service dogs" are pretend. I have seen ONE real service animal in my life. The rest are selfish humans bringing their pets with mail order cards and outfits to shit on our grocery store floors and paw through our produce with their dog contaminated hands.

  5. Groaning5:15 AM

    This has me worried. If she is such a selfish bitch how does she treat the animals in private? If she treats them the same way she treats her husband, then animal services should be called up.

  6. Ian was also called out awhile back for taking his "service dog" on a flight, apparently to avoid extra fees & hassles. They probably use the same dog.

  7. texasrose5:42 AM

    I thought she was writing some relationship blog every two weeks for some online mag?? That gig must get her $400 or $500 a month.

  8. back again5:50 AM

    uh, how is this dog servicing them may i ask?

  9. Annoyed, you've only seen one actual service dog in your life? Really? You must either live in a cave or are a fetus. I see people with real service dogs almost every day. Blind people, veterans with PTSD, folks confined to wheel chairs, etc.

  10. My friend had her dog registered as a service dog so she could bring him to her destination wedding, the hotel venue wouldn't allow him otherwise. Some people just love their dogs that much. I think it's extreme, but hey, different strokes...

  11. Libra8:28 AM

    I remember seeing some interview with her on one of the late shows, way before she hitched herself to Ian Somerhalder, and she was saying something about how she didn't like cats, seemed a complete 180 from how she appears in interviews now. I think Enty might be hinting that she molds herself to appeal to whoever she is dating right then. Granted the two of them do draw attention to good animal-related causes...

  12. Keira5:33 AM

    I can't wait for this marriage to end with her true colors exposed. She's so fake.

  13. Entertained4:06 PM

    Pls do more blinds on this couple. Sadly, I think in the end she will do circles around him before he even knew what hit him. She seems like a fake royal bi**h, that will likely grow tired of him and move on to her next victim. On the upside he's been upgraded to an A- but honesty that is generous.
