Sunday, September 06, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 12, 2015

Golden Globe Awards

AP spent some time with this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who everyone seems to love. He rarely spent any time speaking to the women he brought with him. He got cranky at his publicist who would stop by every few minutes to tell him to straighten his tie or put on his jacket . He said that this former A+ list mostly television actress turned A list mostly movie actress and a nominee last night was really cold to him after he could not think of anything she was in. He says that he has maybe seen one or two of her movies but apparently she expected him to have seen them all. Charming guy but did too much waiting for people to come to him and didn’t seem all that interested in getting up and going to others.

Benedict Cumberbatch/Jennifer Aniston


  1. Gookie1:52 AM

    I can't think of anything she was in either.

  2. Tricia 132:05 AM

    I know Enty is no Jen A fan, but. I think she was quite good/diverse in several films(Cake, obviously, but also The Good Girl, - she positively radiated in Along came Polly - even if it was a bit of a catherine keener impersonation(who I love).

  3. And-so-on..2:07 AM

    If only he had said, "Oh wait? You and.. and.. um, this Laura character, oh yeah,.. something about Tomb Raiders?"

  4. Needle2:36 AM

    Does Lisa L. still get invited to high profile events like this?

  5. I just can't imagine why Cumberbatch didn't want to talk to his then-fiancée and publicist--it's just so unbelievable, Enty! It's not like one of them was a casual hookup who poked holes in the condom to trap a gullible honky and the other one was blisteringly incompetent in allowing the jumped up do-nothing dominate the awards show campaign as the Queen of the Cumberbitches in a made-for-Lifetime saccharine love story.

  6. TalksTooMuch2:49 AM


    Was a thing of beauty

    Slow claps all around

  7. Squeege3:23 AM

    She was very impressive in the Good Girl. I can only assume it was snobery that prevented her from an Oscar nomination

  8. Diego3:38 AM

    What about random PR photos from afterparty of Weinstein where Cumber and his wife allegedly dancing and hugging. There are also photos that Ben talked with Jen. Again lie.

  9. Rebecca5:17 AM

    Partially true, they actually met on a flight and she did say he couldn't name anything she was in, I believe she even mentioned it in an interview. Lots of actors don't watch a lot of movies/tv shows. Didn't seem like she was offended.

  10. LaFeyFey5:27 AM

    You mean where they were dancing for the camera? Totes real love. Esp as no one else believed it.

  11. Aren't after parties for networking? Why waste time networking someone you already know?

  12. Zilla18:21 AM

    Aniston couldn't think of anything to talk to him about other than herself? "You don't know my work? Moving on." Maybe because she needs bigger names to carry her movies.

  13. LOLSTANS10:11 AM

    LOL. Butthurt much, stan?

    They dated for a year in secret before she got pregnant. And they were engaged before she found out she was pregnant.

  14. Fake BI. We know the haters on Tumblr troll Enty by sending in fake BIs. Back when this BI was submitted, the haters were oohing and ahhing over a video of JA joking about hating BC. It was very obviously scripted schtick but the haters aren't exactly known for their critical thinking skills, and they fell all over themselves in joy that someone hated BC (because even though they're obsessed with him, they want to believe that his marriage has made him a pariah).

  15. Yeahsure10:15 AM

    True or not, LMFAO - you've missed your calling, you have! Kudos . . .

  16. Yeahsure10:17 AM

    Not according to Mr. C, who is on record as having said they didn't do the red carpet for the October premiere of the Hobbit in London because "We weren't together yet" . . . and they both knew she was preggers by then.

    And as for dating for a year in secret? No one knows that including you.

  17. persiaa1:09 PM

    I liked JA in The Good Girl and Friends with Money.
    I think Cumberbatch might be an introvert. As one myself, I feel the walls closing in after being around a lot of people for more than a few hours.

  18. LuckE35:23 AM

    well, that was a pretty perfect response!
