Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 7, 2014

This B+ list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition doesn't even own a phone because her B list actor husband doesn't trust her. In a world of insecure in Hollywood he is at the top.

Megan Fox/Brian Austin Green


  1. Sir Lurks Alot1:52 AM

    Good on Megan to get out of that marriage & away from that abuse. BAG is the epitome of loser.

  2. And-so-on..2:07 AM

    All his idiotic neurotic caution and negative bully behavior backfired because he didn't allow her to experience a shared married life ; “like I’m a worthwhile friend to others, interesting spouse, and you care if I have feelings, ideas that you want to nurture and something worthwhile to say in our relationship.” He was the freakish, irrational unloving person she didn't want to stay sequestered with .. ha ha.

  3. Tricia132:13 AM

    Clearly well played, Brian......NOT.

  4. killanmjo2:33 AM

    yikes brian. you will never get it that hot again, bro.

  5. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:54 AM

    Yes, a rich famous person who has had one of the hottest chicks in the world all for himself and has banged her everyday is the epitome of loser. And we commenters here are the true definition of winners.

  6. "a rich famous person who has had one of the hottest chicks in the world all for himself and has banged her everyday" is now on the outside looking in.

  7. Whywhywhy???9:52 AM


  8. Whywhywhy???9:54 AM

    interesting that separated from him she communicates by wearing a message on a t shirt..

  9. being a loser isn't based off who you're sleeping with and/or married to, sorry.
