Sunday, September 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 20, 2015

This foreign born A list model/part-time actress was on a plane from Dallas to Amsterdam this past week when she was repeatedly asked by flight attendants to stop trying to have sex on the plane. The kissing with her girlfriend was fine, but when other things started to happen she was warned. She started up again and was warned again. By the third time she tried, she was told she would be arrested upon landing if she tried anymore.

Cara Delevingne


  1. One would think a beautiful model trying to get it on in a plane would be a sexy scenario BUT I would imagine in the real world being a flight attendant and having to beg a grown woman three times to keep her hands out of someone's crotch ...creepy.

    A realize that woman has most likely never had to live in the real world but was the restroom out of service ?

  2. And-so-on..2:36 AM

    Quit smelling up our air space you putrid punks!

  3. silly4:48 AM

    she doesn't fly private jet?????

    cause they let you bang on those.

  4. texasrose6:06 AM

    Well that is a 9 hour flight and she was horny.

  5. Jenny6:09 AM

    She is disgusting.

  6. Dutch9:01 AM

    How can anyone want to make out with Cara? She is just so ugly, What happened to the world of modeling?

  7. Princess Kate9:04 AM

    YOLO, right?

  8. TopperMadison12:02 AM

    I concur. She is not beautiful. Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelly were beautiful. She has a look, and a rather unclean one at that. (See: Kate Moss).
