Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Mr. X

November 8, 2014

What former American Idol contestant, who also ended up with another brief reality gig has been making several trips to Dubai lately to meet with some rich old men?

Pia Toscano


  1. sandybrook2:51 AM

    Its easy work if you can get it.

  2. Too bad she wasn't as connected to Hollywood as Katharine Hope McPhee.

  3. Kno Won Uno3:04 AM

    Especially if it's the *only* work you can get.

  4. AndrewBW3:08 AM

    If you're looking for celebrities Pia Toscano is pretty far down the ladder. Will these guys sleep with anyone?

  5. What other realty show was Pia on? I call BS on this one. I grew up with Pia's cousin and Pia has never been to Dubai.

  6. back again4:04 AM

    not that she knows of anyway...not a trip that gets bragged about....
    i keeeed...3/4 of these are fiction.Remember Pia was just being asked to try Dubai out b/c she'd be perfect by a seasoned Bani Gal in another Blind not too long ago..so, which is it??

  7. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob6:09 AM

    I find it amusing that some semi illiterate (albeit rich as f word) rugheads know who this lady is. I mean, between praying, watching regular movies, and treating their Filipino servants like shit, watching shitty American shows (unreleased in many parts of the world, like the PIGS country where I'm living) must be low in their priorities.
