Monday, September 14, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 15, 2015


This former “it girl” actress who was the darling of low budget indie films back in the day made a big name for herself but not much money. She is loving that the studio is picking up the expenses for her on this trip. Not only has she charged a ton of money on meals and booze to her room she also charges several thousand bucks in new designer shoes and clothes. All told it has been 48 hours and about $15K to the studio.

Parker Posey


  1. Derek Harvey2:22 AM

    she annoys me

  2. Kno Won Uno2:25 AM

    Oh, GAWD - I agree!
    IDK who decides who's an "IT" girl, but I bet it's not actual people.

  3. sandybrook2:39 AM

    IT girl=I work cheap, hire me to be your star

  4. Kno Won Uno2:43 AM


  5. StewMcG2:56 AM

    The only thing I loved her in was "Dazed and Confused". She nailed that "70s-era spoiled mean girl" bit perfectly.

  6. Penelope 23:05 AM

    They are wasting their money. She wasn't anything special even back when she was forced on us as the "it" girl. She's a legend in her own mind.

  7. Tricia133:07 AM

    Her characters aren't necessarily likable, but she executes them with quirky brilliance( IMO). House of Yes is a tough watch butch she is pretty remarkable in it.Waiting for Guffman and For Your Consideration were both great roles for her as well.

  8. And-so-on..3:19 AM

    Because she's worth it and not Courtney Love.

  9. Anne B.4:17 AM

    I. Love. Parker Posey.

    She is a very different kind of lady...and I *love it*. I liked her in "You've Got Mail," I liked her in the Superman film. She reminds me of Barbara stanwyck.

  10. Chingers4:26 AM

    She was everything on Best in Show

  11. HH3144:27 AM

    Hell to the yes for PP
    Charge it girl
    She made them millions, let her splurge a bit on their dime
    I will eternally love her for her part in "Best in show" - my favorite movie

  12. DoctorMaybe4:39 AM

    I adore PP, but rumor had it that back in the day, she never broke out into mainstream films because she was a heavy drug user - heroin, some said.

  13. You give a girl a credit card and expect otherwise?

  14. TheCousinEddy8:07 AM

    I like(d) Parker Posey. Several folks above have already mentioned the films that I thought she gave her best performances in. Be that as it may, I'm not sure if I agree that she should be entitled to "spend at will" on the Studio's dime. If she was given a per diem and was staying within the boundaries of that per diem, then, whatever. But, if she was spending willy-nilly without prior approval then the Studio should seek reimbursement.

  15. Little Dog8:23 AM

    Busy Bee!

  16. Erin C12:58 PM

    Fucking Air Raid, bitches. She was perfection in that, but you can tell in her scenes in The Good Wife that she was lit like Christmas.

  17. Malibuborebee1:43 PM

    Thank you. Best in Show is a gift from the gods. No matter how annoying she is, she is always going to be a queen for Best in Show.

    But I'm not sure that blowing 15k of her boss's money on clothes and shoes is going to endear her to anyone hiring in the future.

  18. DrMnemonic11:59 PM

    I found something erotic about the movie where she has sex with her brother.

    I want my sister.

  19. June Gordon12:07 AM

    It's a hooker's way of admitting she ain't never going to be asked back.

  20. Unemployable6:38 AM

    I had your sister. Your not missing out on much.
