Thursday, September 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3- Mr. X

June 25, 2015

What A/B-list former singer/reality star/sometime actress with a lucrative side business is not only spending money on drugs but also on more plastic surgery? She was spotted out at lunch with some friends sporting plumper lips and a heavily botoxed face. And I thought she just stopped with the boobs… so far she’s had more work done this year than at any other point in her career.

Jessica Simpson


  1. Kno Won Uno2:30 AM

    MORE lips?! Girl, no. Maybe that's her weight loss secret - all nutrients are ingested through a straw because her lips are too huge. She'll be Jackie Stallone once she stops dying her hair.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:37 AM

    In other news - did anyone else see the piece in the DM about getting botox in your scalp, which stops your head from sweating, so you don't have to wash your hair after working out?

  3. back again2:37 AM

    Seriously.What kinda F*CKED-UP FUNHOUSE MIRRORS do all these guys have in their bedrooms that they have such distorted views of themselves that they actually think that MORE SH*T injected in them will look better?

  4. back again2:39 AM

    no..but men get it in their crotches so they don't sweat & give off offensive odors down there.

  5. OMG That I've never heard of.

  6. Slang King3:36 AM

    Jeeez. Is it really so much hassle to have a wash that they'd rather have needles and chemicals inserted in their groins/nutsacks? Tis a sorry world indeed.

  7. I attended a wedding that Jessica Simpson was at (her husband was very good friends with the groom). They sat at the bride table during the reception.

    Everyone at the table became increasingly cokey and loopy as the evening progressed, screeching and acting really crazy. This was at an extremely upscale event location in northern CA, so not really the place for drugged out nonsense.

    She was pregnant at the time so did not partake, but I am sure she gets highhhhhh when with her cokey husband.

  8. back again5:04 AM

    @ re, damn good to know she abstained during pregnancy otherwise she'd be replacing PKM as the most reviled woman on here...good tea!!

  9. norman11:27 AM

    what kind of f'ed up vision do you have that you think jessica simpson is a guy?

  10. Jess cannot improve on the looks she had in the first place!
