Thursday, September 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 19, 2015

This permanent A list singer who actually got her start as a tween actress has been trying to see some family members since she got into town, but they remember how she destroyed them not that long ago and want nothing to do with her.

Janet Jackson


  1. Kno Won Uno1:16 AM

    When will this family understand that life is short?

  2. No1UNo1:19 AM

    When you start loving Tom Brady and accepting he's the greatest

  3. drunk chick1:19 AM

    Im guessing never

  4. Kno Won Uno1:20 AM

    When you pry my burning hatred from my cold, black, dead heart.

  5. Kno Won Uno1:25 AM

    I know that's you, Skip Bayless.

  6. back again1:33 AM

    Is it true that The Jackson Brothers are doing a Reality Series? (If I look it up I have to start all over here.)

  7. back again2:34 AM

    Well the Judge in NYC obviously does because his Suspension has been quashed & Commissioner Gooden(?) was admonished for going too far...etc..
    PLAY BALL!!!

  8. HH3143:07 AM

    I do not buy this. She is the only one with money, so I expect they would be all over her

  9. Groaning3:29 AM

    I presume Michael's kids don't want anything to do with her.

    Does anyone else remember the blind item about Janet Jackson torturing servants in her husband's country?

  10. DoctorHuh6:36 AM

    I do - if any of that's true, she shouldn't be allowed back in the US. Her whole family is screwed up.

  11. back again6:52 AM

    arggh Commissioner Goodell,.....not dwight gooden.

  12. I'd bet she tried to see Michael's kids. We know how well that went down the last time she tried. :/

  13. Malibuborebee7:41 AM

    Yes and I believe it, too. That girl is a freak and a sadist, always has been. God only knows what that sick fuck father did to her or to any/all of them.

  14. Dutch9:55 AM

    I remember reading that blind! I truly believe their father pimped Micheal out to child molesting assholes for money. I just hate that thier mother just looked the other way, as long as she got her furs... You would think Janet would be kind to others because of how she was raised but no. She decides to take her anger out on poor people who cannot go to the police! I hope she does this here in the U.S. and gets caught.

  15. Any of them would kiss her ass...except for Michael's kids. They have their own money, and they don't like her.

  16. SoCal Tiger1:36 PM

    If this is true, oh well. It could be why she was at Jimmy Jam's son's graduation and not the one for Prince. She'll keep it moving; there's no way anybody will keep her from her own parents and that's all that matters.

    That whole thing still confuses me as I don't know what's behind it. Janet took a big risk to get involved in a 'family matter'(she usually stays away from that kid of drama) and that leads me to believe there is something going on that the kids probably know nothing about. They may not find out until they have their piece of Michael's estate several years after they become adults; I will not be surprised if there is almost nothing left by then.
