Monday, September 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 23, 2014

When this aging former A+ list mostly movie actor who is trying to get back to that status after several years off asked for some strippers to be delivered to his hotel room this weekend he had his security people check i.d's. Not to make sure the women were legal, but to make sure none were out of their teens. One security guard stayed in the room, including the bedroom the entire time. Apparently there were issues in the past about sexual assault claims so our actor likes witnesses when dealing with strangers.

Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. Kno Won Uno1:18 AM

    That's the smart way to go. You bring witnesses, she brings witnesses - sounds like a great party.
    ( ◔ ʖ̯ ◔ )

  2. Tricia131:23 AM

    A lil courvoisier and a cigar for old man Arnold- game on. Egh....

  3. Zilla11:28 AM

    Way to go, NBC. You cut ties with Trump over his remarks over illegal immigrants, in order to show people what good guys you are, and hired a host, Schwarzenegger, who is morally bankrupt.

  4. Tricia131:34 AM

    @Zilla1- riiiight? I was shocked they cast him, I mean desperate doesn't begin.Will he even bring in viewers?

  5. AndrewBW1:57 AM

    Personally I think it was a great choice, replacing Donald Trump with an immigrant. (Thanks Enty!)

  6. Whywhywhy???2:21 AM

    Yeah, but Trump has no problem with immigrants from Germany.

  7. sandybrook2:22 AM

    It must be like watching horses breed :(

  8. sandybrook2:24 AM

    And since Ahnold is not married there really isn't anything wrong with inviting some strippers out for some fun. He probably pays well.

  9. NoWhining3:29 AM

    Arnold is from Austria. Different country, like Canada is not the US.

  10. Whywhywhy???3:41 AM

    For some reason I don't want to accept that Ahnold is from the same country as Maestro Manfred Honeck.

  11. Former football player, Jerome Bettis said he had to do this years ago when he was accused of sexual assault.
    This must be very creepy for the Security detail, but it does protect the subject.
    Strippers are out for the ca$h!

  12. Well he's in his 60's and they're barely legal so... Not seriously bad but still gross.

  13. Hmmmm...would I as a juror actually accept the sworn testimony of a paid employee about the events that took place in a hotel room? Or the stripper/hooker telling her sob story? That's a toughie.

  14. This is beyond messed up.
