Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 26, 2014

This is kind of a mix for the last one. This country singer is A list in the country world. His wife is an A list not nice person and was rude everywhere she went the other night and rude to her husband too. In her wake her husband followed calming everyone and sharing smile and kind words and apologizing for his wife. He literally spent what should have been a great night for him doing nothing but apologizing.

Tim McGraw/Faith Hill


  1. Deborah Kizziah1:22 AM

    I think she is an angry person in general and it's intensified because of his alleged "extracurricular activities." So this means that when she was acting shocked, angered, and horrified that Carrie Underwood won for female vocalist instead of her, she actually was shocked, angered, and horrified. I have heard so many stories about her bad behavior that I have started changing the radio channel if she comes on.

  2. So, the rumors of her being a bitch while they were at their Las Vegas show apparently are true.
    Be careful of the little people you step on, some bite and they bite hard.
    (I never saw the show.)

  3. back again1:42 AM

    wow..never knew that was her reputation.I don't know much about Country but the gossip sites always make her out to be the long suffering wife & mother w/ Tim's old drinking ways & his still current philandering (esp.Tay-Tay) ways..

  4. Yeah faith hill can be as craxy as she wants - after I saw that video of her yelling at a fan during a concert for touching Tim in his groin area she won me over. That was hilarious.

  5. back again1:51 AM

    didn't see it but who would blame her for that- cowboy boot that fan's ass outa there.

  6. Why didn't anyone tell her to "Just breathe?"

    I'll show myself out.

  7. Your comment made me literally spit out my margarita.

  8. scary pirates on acid3:01 AM

    lol, faith hill is probably mad bc she isnt young and hot anymore.

    her husband could easily get better ass and probably does.

  9. She got him by cheating; that's how she'll lose him.

  10. Penelope 23:26 AM

    I wonder if he did something bad to piss her off, so she acted out on his night and he knew better than to tell her to quit it. I heard she is pretty nice and down to earth.

    @Lisa, the psycho fan deserved it. Would you want someone grabbing your husband's groin? I saw it, she was actually really classy when she told the woman off, didn't embarrass herself or shriek, just told her it was low class to grab crotches that don't belong to her (if a man grabbed a female singers crotch or boob, he'd be arrested- that "fan" should have been hit).

  11. DoctorMaybe3:27 AM

    Old hands around the Nashville music scene have told me more than once that Faith Hill was always a bitch, even when she WAS young and hot(ter).

  12. Groaning3:30 AM

    I wonder if Tim did something to make her mad.

  13. BeenHereBefore3:40 AM

    Jesus take the wheel!!

  14. Malibuborebee5:43 AM

    They're both cokeheads, she's even worse than he is with it. It's no excuse, she was nasty before she was a cokehead.

  15. Thank you SO much. I have to put one of my dogs down tomorrow and I've been pretty depressed about it. That seriously made me crack a smile and giggle.

  16. Bored110:49 AM

    Nope, she really is a bitch. She became irate and berated and screamed at a couple of police officers working security at one of her concerts in California almost 20 years ago.. When after the show they helped themselves to a small plate of food from the huuuuge spread that was laid out. It was embarrassing to witness .
