Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

May 8, 2015

This actress is probably C+. She is in that franchise television movie that makes Tori Spelling look like an Oscar winner. Anyway, the actress also produced a recent movie and is also in college full-time. Yeah, makes me feel like I don’t do much either. Anyway, she was in LA this week and talked a network executive into a $75K grant to help fund some high schools back in NYC with cameras and editing equipment. It is a pet project of hers.

Courtney Baxter


  1. Derek Harvey1:17 AM

    who dat who dat

    Back again ftw!

  2. Kno Won Uno1:22 AM

    Tryna figure out why she asked for money for students in NYC when she's from just outside Philadelphia, but far be it from me to question anyone's veracity up in here.

  3. @Derek She an actress who played in Sharknado 2: The Second One.

  4. Simon1:51 AM

    It seems like all the blinds these days are people I have never heard of. I guess I am way out of touch

  5. sandybrook2:29 AM

    Bitch looks like a rough Lea Michelle. I guess growing up in Chester Pa. can do that. Thank goodness she didn't come from Camden NJ.

  6. Malibuborebee4:36 AM

    Jebus, Sandy, a "rough" Lea Michelle - like Lea Michelle isn't rough enough all by herself. I'm not googling this girl - I'm afeared.

  7. sandybrook8:56 AM

    She isn't horrible looking :)

  8. Why are peeps so mean about Lea??? Are you basing all of it off the bullshit whoever runs this site now types up? The majority of it is bullshit, so yeah, hating someone based on this site alone is ..meh.

  9. gross, no one hates her based on this site alone. people hate her based on her. she is unbelievably annoying and fake and gahhh.
