Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Blind Item #9

February cannot get here fast enough. This A list reality star is probably the only person on the planet who does not know (or maybe she doesn't care) that her athlete boyfriend hooks up with as many women as possible.


  1. Tricia134:00 AM

    Khloe kardashian

  2. Derek Harvey4:00 AM

    Khloe K

  3. Tricia134:01 AM

    And james harden

  4. sandybrook4:02 AM

    well James Harden sorta swings from the other side of the plate.

  5. Kno Won Uno4:13 AM

    February? That leads me to believe it's football.Unless you're in the Super Bowl, your season's over by February, so someone who has road-hoes in every town would be done traveling then.
    Amber Rose & Odell Beckham, Jr.

  6. Snookiemonster4:15 AM

    @Kno - february is kardashian free month

  7. Kno Won Uno4:19 AM

    Gah! I'm a dumbass.

  8. back again4:26 AM

    Enty--#1-This is NOT a Blind. This is a Given.
    #2-It is NOT Mandatory for you to post Kartrashian Blinds just because it's not February;
    #3-Be The Courageous Enty I know you can be & voluntarily forego some of the Kardashian Blinds now.You will be a better person for it.You will see.

  9. NoWhining4:27 AM

    Dearest Enty: It is your site. If you want to extend Trash-free February into something longer, it is within your power to do so. Some of us would thank you. Profusely.

  10. And-so-on..5:20 AM

    None of the Kardashian women like men.. or women, for that matter..

  11. Dizzlemizzle5:28 AM

    What am I missing about February?

  12. back again6:28 AM

    @ Dizzlemizzle, Enty promises not to post any Blind Items regarding The Kartrashians for the month of February every year...or as @Snookie put it, 'Kardashian Free February'.

  13. Dizzlemizzle7:01 AM

    Ahhhh. How bout we have a February K month and then 11 months free of them? Thanks, @ back again!

  14. back again7:12 AM

    Kapital Idea !!!

  15. TheCousinEddy7:23 AM

    That woman and that family is going to ruin Houston's marquee basketball player. Such a waste. I wish he was in the gym practicing his outside shot and free throws instead of in the vortex of k-trash hell.
