Friday, September 25, 2015

Blind Item #7

The latest hiccup in the relationship that should never end in marriage between this A list mostly television actress from a hit network show and her B+ list mostly movie actor boyfriend with A list good looks is that he does not want a pre-nup. If there is a pre-nup he wants at least $10M if they get divorced.


  1. Tricia131:30 AM


  2. Sbreezy291:40 AM

    Sofia Vergara and Joe Manjello

  3. Dishy1:52 AM

    what a sham

  4. sandybrook1:54 AM

    she should sever the contract today.

  5. I think this is smart on his part. Too many rumors of her hooking up with her ex.

  6. Ladylaw2:56 AM

    I don't trust "perfect" women. They always have too many self inflicted relationship issues. I don't like her for him and I don't think it will end well.

  7. Kno Won Uno3:48 AM

    I'm so sick of these two people. Every time I see her, it's teeth-tits-ass in a continuously repeating sequence. Jesus, woman - it's embarrassing. She irritates me, he bores me, there's nothing genuine about the relationship. I do wonder if they're going to manufacture some drama that "prevents" them from marrying - illness, travel delays, a hangnail...or one of them gets "left at the altar". Then there will be a plethora of sad-face tabloid covers, coinciding with brave-face red carpet appearances for a struggling project that will boost buzz. Nothing to see here.

  8. Blue Jeans8:19 AM

    they have zero chemistry

  9. Rocky8:54 AM

    I don't get this whole damn thing- if she still wants the ex asshat and he is gay- I think? what is the point of this mess ,it makes no sense.

  10. Itchycat11:24 AM

    You cynical people! They are a match made in heaven.
    Leave them alone.
