Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Blind Item #6

He is American born but doesn't act it. This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor has been battling drug problems over the past year and while getting makeup done for a talk show the makeup person said there were noticeable meth marks on his face that needed to be covered.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM

    Shia la bouef

  2. Derek Harvey1:02 AM

    on Jimmy Fallon last night

  3. Kno Won Uno1:08 AM

    Except for the rating, Clooney.

  4. Derek Harvey1:09 AM

    andrew garfield FTW

  5. Derek Harvey1:10 AM

    was born in LA but has a British accent
    was on James Corden last night

  6. Kno Won Uno1:11 AM

    Rating fits. +1

  7. CooCooCatchoo1:13 AM

    @DerekHarvey, I think you're dead on with the Andrew Garfield guess.

  8. Derek Harvey1:18 AM

    thanks---and he dated that druggy Emma Stone for a long time

  9. Nutty Flavor1:56 AM

    I've never seen Garfield's appeal. He's not particularly handsome, and he's pompous in the most grating way possible. Anyway, the headline that came out of the Corden show was that he thinks Spiderman should be pansexual. The Tumbler SJWs are already calling him "Spiderpan."

  10. back again2:34 AM

    +1 @ Derek -nice one! I just came on site & already learned something.I never knew Andrew was born in the USA.
    -i think Enty made this up though b/c he looks just fine when he's walking into the Studio PRE makeup as he does at lunch w/Emma & pre Jimmy Kimmel,pre-makeup on GMA, etc. in last 2 days.They're calling him Spiderpan now b/c he called for Spiderman to be pansexual.He's still bitter b/c he got fired from the role.

  11. Sadie2:45 AM

    Does sound like Garfield. I don't quite understand how he even has a career. He's a low-energy, uninteresting actor and not good looking. He must have connections somewhere.

  12. mariaj4:55 AM

    Wow, unpopular opinion, here, but i don't mind him in general and i LOVED him as Spiderman, to me he really has acted Peter Parker like he was, at the start, at least, seeing him in the role was like being brought back to my youth, when my brother bought his comic. His Spiderman had the right mix of nerdiness AND some sexiness, like the first Peter Parker, while MacGuire totally lacked the attractive factor, he was just a nerd.I disliked him a lot in that role.

    Then, i have seen him in Social network, not bad, and in some other movies, not bad either. Hope is not him, mostly cause it makes me sad to see people addicted.Well, most of people, i don't care about SOME drugged.

  13. ohyeathat5:23 AM

    @derek harvey - american here, can confirm him growing a rat tail solidified his redneck style

  14. back again6:42 AM

    @ mariaj,I feel the same @ Andrew Garfield.Sooo much better than Toby MacGuire as Spiderman.

  15. DoctorMaybe6:53 AM

    I think Derek has this. Garfield it is. Go back to lasagna! Meth is bad for you!

  16. Gadzooks9:39 AM

    He got fired for some offensive behavior in South America where Sony was promoting Spiderman and he embarrassed them. He found out the hard way, nobody's irreplaceable.

  17. I liked MacGuire's sweetness. It was the only thing the franchise had going for it besides the special effects.

  18. thebutlerdidit2:47 PM


  19. Spot. On.9:15 PM

    Exactly my thoughts after the first sentense
