Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blind Item #5

The sparks have been flying between this foreign born B list mostly movie actress and this foreign born B list mostly movie actor who everyone seems to think is hooking up with the actress from the acting family. Nope. It turns out he has been hooking up with the foreign born actress while they promote their movie leaving her actor boyfriend in the dust. Serves him right.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Hiddleston/sienna miller

  2. Tricia1312:47 AM

    Film is "High Rise"

  3. Tricia1312:51 AM

    Or Hiddleston/Mia wiasoka- Crimson Peak
    Her BF- Jesse Eisenberg
    Hiddleston- Liz Olsen(GFs)

  4. +1 for Hiddles &Mia W.

  5. Tricia131:19 AM

    Hi Ivy- I think it's Wasikowska based on Enty hating Jesse Eisenberg:)

  6. knotts1:55 AM

    sienna, the original seductress! sailor hat and all

  7. Sarah LA1:56 AM

    Tough call. Both probably - he's the new stud I guess?

  8. Tom Hiddleston2:26 AM

    This is meant to be Tom Hiddleston and Mia promoting Crimson Peak with the boyfriend being Jessie Eisenberg. I'm not buying Tom and Mia I think he is dating Elizabeth Olsen but keeping it quiet until everyone forgets that Elizabeth supposedly cheated on her financee with Tom.

  9. sandybrook2:34 AM

    It's another desperate push for page views BI I see.

  10. Sienna was born in the USA.

  11. That post was made by me not Tom Hiddleston obviously have Hiddles on the brain ???

  12. Yeahsure3:12 AM

    Eh, Hiddleston/Mia W. Crimson Peak sorta is my first guess, but, ummm . . . I always suspected Wasikowska likes girls - I never quite bought the Eisenberg thing. Of course, if the Eisenberg bit is true, I'd have gone for Hiddleston for relief, too. Eisenberg looks like a major pain in the butt. Only I wouldn't have thought MW is Hiddleston's type. But if the sparks were going to fly between TH and MW, wouldn't they have started in Only Lovers Left Alive? Perhaps it was those allegedly hot sex scenes they have in CP. Actually, I'd have rather more respect for Hiddleston if he fell for so unglamorous a leading lady as MW, as opposed to Miller . . . .

  13. Yeahsure3:16 AM

    I really can't believe anyone gives a rat's butt. And passing up all that PR - which ISTL apparently needs big time after its initial reviews.

  14. I don't think Enty knows or cares that Sienna was born here.....she really gets around, vying for the "biggest hoebag in Hollywood" title.

  15. lila fowler6:32 AM

    Yeah, didn't Jesse dump his old gf to get with Mia?

  16. Wendy8:50 AM

    I know it might not mean much, but didn't Lizzie Olsen say that they weren't together?

  17. Wendy8:51 AM

    Hiddleston is only B-list? I thought he would be at least A- list

  18. LuckE39:16 AM

    Except at the Toronota Film Festival a couple of weeks back Olsen showed up holding hands with the director (someone on here pointed it out on another Hiddles/Olsen blind). So I think this is totally meant to be Hiddles and Mia whatever.

  19. LuckE39:18 AM

    I agree with what you are saying about them working together on Only Lovers Left Alive. Maybe they did have something going on then too or maybe since her part was smaller they didn't work together as much. Either way, I really liked that film. :)

  20. Mooshki12:35 PM

    Have you seen the pictures of Mia and Tom doing promo? The second I saw them I said to myself "They're definitely sleeping together."

  21. Yeahsure12:15 PM

    Really liked it, too - although I know a lot of people who didn't. It's seems to have been one of those Love It of Hate It films, no in-between.

  22. Rummer4:53 PM

    Doubtful it's MW and TH, she's not Tom's type. Just saying...

  23. Tom Hiddleston/Jessica Chastain
