Monday, September 28, 2015

Blind Item #4

It is so unlike this permanent A list actor turned celebrity, but his celebrity wife was spotted doing some lines of coke following a fashion week party. To call it shocking is an understatement. Apparently when she decides to let go though, she really goes for it.


  1. Snookiemonster12:35 AM

    george and amal

  2. Kno Won Uno12:38 AM

    Ooohhhh...I like it!
    Not coke, I can't afford it.

  3. Tricia1312:40 AM

    Alec and Hilaria Baldwin/NYFW
    Wish it clarified which fashion week though

  4. Tricia1312:42 AM

    They were at Carmen Marc Volvo's show (with their baby)- which would certainly be shocking.

  5. Kno Won Uno12:43 AM

    I think I don't understand this sentence: "It is so unlike this permanent A list actor turned celebrity, but his celebrity wife...."
    Um....of course it's *unlike* him - it WASN'T him.

  6. Snookiemonster12:46 AM

    alec has had substance problems so i wouldnt be "unlike" him, i feel.

  7. George and Amal

  8. TopperMadison2:14 AM

    How is George a "celebrity" instead of an actor/director? Did he start a band or something while I wasn't paying attention?

  9. Alec and George are actors, not celebrities.

    If Enty just goofed up, I would rule out Hilarious because she's probably still nursing and whatever we all think of her, she wouldn't endanger the baby.

    Amal is way too skinny but I hope it's not her.

  10. How do you think she stays so skinny? It's not just by starvation...and her frame is NOT natural.

  11. Whywhywhy???3:09 AM

    IF ONLY.

  12. Barbara4:01 AM

    Perhaps because of his Tequila business?

  13. TopperMadison7:58 AM

    If it is Amal, I could totally see it. She is too skinny to not either have an eating disorder or be doing some sort of stimulant. They're a party couple. I'm sure it's around them constantly. Yep, I could see it.

  14. Dragonfly10:50 AM

    Clooney isn't permanent A though- he's A+ list. Baldwin might be because he has succeeded in film/television and theater- and now he does commercials and is papped everyday.But he has projects coming up. Don't think it's been guessed yet?

  15. The whole system is rotton12:52 AM

    Seinfeld and his wife (who never met a celebrity or a pic she didn't love!)

  16. Mr. Knowitall9:40 AM

    Ahnold and Maria???
