Monday, September 28, 2015

Blind Item #3

This B- list singer/actress from a hit cable show that just finished wrapping is so jealous of her A- list almost television actress ex that the actress ex showed up late to the Emmy Awards just to avoid a confrontation that the B- lister would surely have planned to occur. I definitely see the possibility of a future restraining order.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Taylor schilling and carrie Brownstein

  2. Kno Won Uno12:13 AM

    Brownstein is part of several shows, though. Archer, Portlandia, Transparent... Is one of them over?

  3. Tricia1312:17 AM

    @kno transparent is Hulu I believe but Portlandia is IFC channel, which is cable. I to just finished it's 5th season , but will resume filming and air 6th season in 2016

  4. Kno Won Uno12:23 AM

    Transparent is Amazon - and FAB! I recommend it every chance I get. ;-)

  5. Only problem is this A- list actress always turns up late to events and was seen hanging out with the B listers best friend later in the night.

  6. medley4:47 AM

    B- stalker actress/singer (Carrie Brownstein)
    more famous actress ex (Taylor Schilling)

    ugh, carrie brownstein is really, really physically unattractive.

    the fact that hot taylor schilling would settle for that mug makes me sad. thank god she got out, and hopefully upgraded.

  7. Stevie7:52 AM

    If by best friend you mean Fred she doesn't have much of a choice. Since she is still close to Natasha Lyonne.

  8. Schilling looks 10 years older than Brownstein. Carrie seems very smart but maybe she's a fool for love. I like her so she gets the benefit of the the doubt from me.

  9. Supporting someone you like by calling another woman, whom she dated, ugly. Stay classy, c*nt.
