Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blind Item #2

This B+ list model no one had really heard of a few months ago says that she and her A+ list actor boyfriend still have not had sex, but she had no problems name dropping him two days ago to get a table at lunch when the restaurant said the place was full. She got in and you should have seen her lead her friends to the table.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Indian Shayk/cooper

  2. sandybrook11:47 PM


  3. Tricia1311:48 PM


  4. sandybrook11:49 PM

    You would think BCoop's mom could have gotten her a table since they were out together 2 days ago.

  5. Kno Won Uno11:53 PM

    Hmmm...I'd definitely heard of Irina Shayk before the Cooper thing. One would think that in modeldom she's A list, but you never know.

  6. lila fowler11:54 PM

    Kelly Rohrbach or whatever Leo's piece is these days. Irina has been around since she dated CR.

  7. No sex? Have you been lying under their bed again, enty?

  8. Oh. She supposed to have said that. Nevermind.

  9. mariaj12:07 AM

    Exactly, Irina has been known at least from CR; but even before that she was a pretty known model, i would say she was A list already.

    She is really georgeus, though those lips, why people ruin beautiful face with ugly duck face?

    My guess, is Leo's new model, she was unheard about before.

  10. mariaj12:10 AM

    Duck LIPS, pardon

  11. knotts3:01 AM

    @sandybrook - what's up with the beards always being besties with the mom? god, I wish somebody would just out this guy already with a photo or SOMETHING.

  12. samantha3:03 AM

    leo dicaprio's PR team should win the Nobel Prize for convincing billions of hot & bothered women for decades that leo is a notorious model-loving ladies man. I mean really, these guys are good.

  13. samantha3:05 AM

    bradley cooper's team and dicaprio's team obviously share notes. it all makes sense now why they are both zeroing in on that obscure tabloid in france that is blackmailing one of them (or both)? with most likely gay photos

  14. sandybrook4:25 AM

    BCoop's mom is very involved in his life and she's the one probably writing the checks :). Anyway they were in the randoms out together just yesterday.
