Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Blind Item #2

Behind the backs of her family, this former reality star who only stands out because she is old enough to get married and move away from the home is in talks to have her own reality show which is why she is being so vocal about certain things going on around her. She is also perfectly willing to do whatever it takes and say whatever it takes to get her own show.


  1. sandybrook11:46 PM

    A Duggar

  2. sandybrook11:47 PM

    the one who called out the pervert yesterday

  3. Tricia1311:49 PM

    Jill Duggar I think

  4. Tricia1311:51 PM

    It's jessa Duggar

  5. Sharon11:53 PM

    Jessa Duggar?

  6. Jessa Dugger, she will do anything to stay in the limelight.

  7. sandybrook11:55 PM

    If she's the cute one I'd think about watching

  8. Tricia1311:57 PM

    Watch her be the next Bachelorette:(

  9. Well duh. These Kardashians are like a fungus.

  10. back again12:47 AM

    +1 i think-biggest hypocrite-lives a humble life my ass-she loves the limelight & paycheck more than the rest of them put together.EZ $$$...with that cuckold of a husband who evidently must be totally disabled since he cannot seem to even be able to look for honest work with a baby on the way...NICE VALUES- now move along ...

  11. back again12:49 AM

    On Real Housewives ...

  12. back again12:51 AM

    I almost fell for that 'pavlov's dog' answer too @ cc.That Enty's a tricky one. ; )

  13. Aww dang you're right...

  14. nowadays4:32 AM

    jessa has some plump BJ lips. she's hot. hope she goes secular, I'd be alllllllll for that

  15. lakers4:36 AM

    jessa duggar is hot, this I will admit.

  16. Malibuborebee4:57 AM

    I couldn't pick a Duggar out of a lineup, except maybe the mother because I've seen photos of that godawful hair. It was just a matter of time before some of the 19 kids imploded or exploded. Here we go...

  17. Wendy2:01 PM

    It's Jessa, she reposted a blog post by her father-in-law pretty much turning her back on Josh, and yeah it's totally because she wants a show of her own and knows she won't get one unless she does it.

  18. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~2:27 PM

    mama june's daughter, anna...

  19. It's attention-whore Jessa Duggar trolling for $$$ and limelight. She's a ticking time bomb pissed off at how her brother Josh drove the family gravy train off the rails, effectively pushing her out of the $ and limelight. Her best bet at capitalizing from the family scandal is a scathing tell-all book and some speaking engagements because she and her unemployed husband don't have enough "content" for an ongoing tv series. She's cute and pregnant with a husband who's pretty much a "zero", which might be good for a few shows, but beyond that they've "got nothing" and are just another too-young, uneducated, religious zealot family mindlessly poppin' out babies (i.e., a replay of the parents' 25 years ago).

  20. Gadzooks5:19 AM

    The blind says old enough to get married, not already married.

  21. Gadzooks5:23 AM

    This could be Jana Duggar, the oldest daughter and isn't married. Rumors have it she doesn't like the way she's been treated by her parents and not being allowed to have her own life. Forced to be nanny to the younger kids.

  22. its Jana Duggar
