Monday, September 14, 2015

Blind Item #1

I making this a blind just to make it slightly more interesting. Much like the Orange ones it is pretty easy. Let us call this person Red. She is in bad shape. Former almost A- list mostly movie actress who is in a foreign country now. She has had problems with drugs and booze before but she is on a whole new level now. I don't know if it is because her relationship with the married man crashed and burned and she is having to make her living by basically being with a new guy every night and sometimes multiple men at night but her choice of drugs has gone off the deep end and she is in real danger of overdosing and I don't think it would necessarily be an accident.


  1. sandybrook11:31 PM

    why bother indeed Ramble on Lindsay

  2. Tricia1311:34 PM

    Orange was taken ( her fake tan)so Red is perhaps that blotchy look she often has? Or just a reference to her overall embarrassment of a career?

  3. Derek Harvey11:36 PM

    Red because she is a red head---duh

  4. sandybrook11:36 PM

    freckles are usually red and she's covered in them

  5. Derek Harvey11:37 PM

    Red because she is a red head---Lilo----easy easy. She posted some weird and dark "poetry" the other day.

  6. sandybrook11:40 PM

    I don't even remember what color her real hair is because she dyed it so much. Her 9/11 manifesto the other night when she was wasted was interesting reading :(


    Foreign country? She supposed to be in Canada, but was not allowed to because of her criminal record and such.

  8. Kno Won Uno12:15 AM

    That was totally weird, her rambling post. Michael Jackson was her only true friend? Really?

  9. Tricia1312:17 AM

    It was a rhetorical question@SB, but lol nonetheless..

  10. mariaj12:43 AM

    Poor Lindsay, i feel really sad for her.

  11. TopperMadison1:10 AM

    Thank you. I've been feeling bad for her for the past few years. Her and Kylie Jenner. Neither one of those girls was ever given a chance at a real life.

  12. Agree, I have always felt bad for her. With those parents?? I blame mom more than dad. I always have had empathy for. Both her and Brittney Spears. Two lost souls, so beautiful. Lindsay could've really went far, I remember how cute she was in her early career. Sad sad sad. Her mother will get her karma someday and should rot in hell. Mothers are supposed to protect their children.

  13. Her not-so-natural hair color

  14. knotts2:15 AM

    dina lohan isn't a mother. she's a pimp.

  15. mariaj2:18 AM

    @Lindsay could've really went far, I remember how cute she was in her early career. Sad sad sad.

    Right? I have seen her in some movies, and i have seen her in Radio America, and she was REALLY cute ( before messing up with her face) and she seemed she may have been a nice person ( before messing up with drugs and bad behaviour) i too believe she could do well in the industry.

    Now, she had that fake, lost, empty looking face...and she still so young...i don't even want to look at her, it's too sad...

  16. knotts2:23 AM

    I have a bad feeling she is going to commit suicide soon

  17. sandybrook2:33 AM

    Think about it...except for her ex-lesbian lover, who have you ever seen her with except Dina and Aly?

  18. Becca2:38 AM

    I don't know.She seems to land on her feet all the time.We don't even know if Enty is making this up because he hates her- maybe the boyfriend is still in the picture?

  19. Gookie2:48 AM

    Red ... maybe because she was called "Fire crotch" at one point.

  20. HH3142:54 AM

    I am sorry if I sound harsh, but I do not feel sad for her. This quite ordinary girl has been given chance after chance after chance and she wasted all of them
    She seems determined to stick it out in the entertainment business, even after no one in their right mind would hire her - and for good reason. She has proven unreliable, flaky and unprofessional
    She wasted all of her earnings and has not saved anything; most importantly she hasn't learned anything from her own mistakes
    The best thing for her would be going somewhere to school getting a degree or profession (real job not acting bullshit) and making an honest leaving, but that is never gonna happen
    She'll end in some ditch somewhere
    I will forever mourn Amy Winehouse who was a truly talented individual, not this narcissistic piece of trash
    And as far as her mother goes, Lohan has been an adult since the age of 18, she is pushing 30 now, she just need to grow the fuck up and stop blaming everyone for her issues

  21. mariaj3:16 AM

    Except, when Amy started becoming famous or doing drugs she was OLDER than Lindsay, so whe should have been wiser, if we really want to play the game:" she should have, shouldn't have not" Amy was talented, no doubt, but she had loving parents, as we know. Again playng the blame game, it's not Lindsay that has written :"they want me go to rehab, i say no, no, no" to which one can respond:" then why should i feel sorry for you?

    No, fact is, drungs are bad, and you can't say who at last can handle them better and who don't.

  22. Yes she has been an adult for a long time. But. Her mother got high with her, pushed her back tonthe party scene back when she may have had some chance at rehab. Who has she EVER had around her to show her a different kind of life. Dina loved the star life and her ticket was Lindsay. Lindsay never found the inner strength to break free. Although i will agree jail shouldve got her thinking but i can't remember how long she even served. Judge shouldve made mandantory rehab ofnat least a year with no outaide contact.

  23. HH3145:06 AM

    You misunderstand me
    I was comparing them in terms of talent, which Amy had tons of and Lohan not so much
    Amy basically drank herself to death, and I am sad about that. I refuse to care about Lohan. There are millions of kids who grow up in worse circumstances than her and manage to make something of themselves without Hollywood throwing millions of dollars their way.

  24. kpist5:30 AM

    Was she trying to make a rap song with that? I mean it sounds like she's trying to be like Eminem, but it's not working. Also, red, her nickname was fire-crotch.

  25. Yes. Had every damn chance in the world. And just made it worse every single time. She had problems, and continued her ongoing criminal lifestyle. Lied, cheated, stole, conned at every chance. No one will miss her

  26. mariaj6:52 AM

    And you misunderstood me, i put talent away, i was talking in terms of HUMANITY, and in terms of humanity there are some things that catch more our pity, or soul.

    Yes, there are kids that grew up in worst circumstances, and someone managed well, and someone managed bad, to me is like when you grow in ugly quarters, with drug dealers, thieves, etc...not everyone will end up criminal, there are people that survive and do well, others that sadly succumb, they could have done better, PERHAPS, but their surrending was an handicap for sure, hurrah to who was stronger and did well...but i feel bad for whom had bad luck and didn't make it.

    Sometime, circumstances are very much the issue.

  27. And-so-on..8:07 AM

    Poor Lilo, too many lies, too much abandonment, too much criminal behavior and bills to pay burdened on her frail shoulder for her to survive with any dignity.. that battered, blown-out and tricked up brain and poor health from booze, drugs and too many strange and abusive relationships and crazy family is messing with the real and imagined in her life.. she is lucky she remembers how to take a nice walk and smoke a ciggy at the same time without having some fearful flashback seizure..

  28. Lindsay nearly had to repeat second grade because her parents were always pulling her out of school to go on auditions. She was, at that age, a really sweet kid with horrific parents. I know her teacher.

  29. Derek Harvey1:41 PM

    Now THAT is the truth and is VERY much heartbreaking

  30. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~1:47 PM

    does anyone notice how bruised she is, between her thighs, her thighs and arms... she looks like she is being abused by someone...very sad.... i look for her death to be in the news anytime now...

  31. Shiba3:40 PM

    She is still a very blessed girl, and gets enough residuals from the work she's done to live quietly and rebuild her life. She isn't making that choice - even with Oprah's support! - because she doesn't want to.
    THE END.

  32. I was married to an alcoholic. Because it got so bad, I had to divorce him because of what it was doing to our kids, one of whom was special needs. I thought that would be his "low" point, but sadly no. He ended up being one of those sad stories where he went from having a really great job and family life to basically dying indigent in another state in the end with hepatitis so bad that the whites of his eyes were neon yellow. Some people just never seem to find that "low" point from which they can recover. I hope she's not one of them, as I, too, think all in all she still really has some talent underneath all that fake Hollyweird exterior she seems to just basically get lost in. So sad and tragic.......
