Sunday, September 13, 2015

Blind Item #1

This foreign born permanent A list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee but is best known for a franchise that gives him that permanent A list status. He is also in full-time get off my lawn mode. The actor was at an event this past week and anyone who came up to him got an f**k you and he was just cranky. Hopefully that means he is feeling well. He is getting up there in age.


  1. Snookiemonster2:02 AM

    i see sean connery sayong that

  2. Snookiemonster2:03 AM

    i see sean connery saying that

  3. tricia132:05 AM

    Sean Connery/US Open

  4. And-so-on..2:35 AM

    Get off my and everyone's lawn, ya putrid punks!

  5. back again2:36 AM

    -Then stay off his F*ckin' Lawn!
    Enty TOTALLY made this up from DM's pic of Bradley Cooper photobombing Sean Connery in his Box w/a friend at U.S. Open..he's smiling while chatting w/other folks later on & often so stop blatently slandering's just stupid with an old man.

  6. Now I'm going have SC's voice in my head all day yelling F you
    I also feel the need to watch some celebrity Jeopardy.
    Good guess to you both btw !

  7. meowie2:53 AM

    Sean makes total sense, but the get off my lawn somehow seems Clint E. to me.

  8. meowie2:54 AM

    D'oh! Sean. CE not foreign born. Off to find mor coffee ...

  9. sandybrook3:12 AM

    Page Six said Sean was being really a jackass out there.

  10. back again4:07 AM

    well he did ask for them to stop taking pictures of him .He just wanted to watch the match.

  11. silly4:46 AM

    you're the man now, dawg

  12. silly4:47 AM

    @back again - agreed. when I see these blinds it's like, dude, he's really famous and he just wants to blend in and not be harrassed, pretend he's a boring normal. this aint gossip! I would be in get off my lawn mode too

  13. AndrewBW9:51 AM

    Git off me lawn ye bashtarrrds!

  14. ItchyKat12:26 PM

    Daniel Craig. He's so old, he's older than Sean Connery.
