Friday, September 18, 2015

Blind Item #10

This A list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner/nominee. She is also married with child/ren. The guy she met on the set of her latest movie is the guy she has been hooking up with and doing coke with and the marriage, already on shaky ground is over.


  1. Tricia134:30 AM

    Amy Adams

  2. sandybrook4:31 AM

    Julia Roberts

  3. Tricia134:41 AM

    "Latest film" is questionable, but I'll guess henry Cavill from B vs. S- or Affleck.

  4. Kno Won Uno5:31 AM

    Ah...yes, I've seen a tabloid cover.

  5. Sadie6:09 AM

    Amy Adams isn't married. Neither is Naomi Watts but Enty has been making so many blinds that sound like her and Liev S lately.. Anybody else find her stories about emailing love letters to McConaughey just a tad off?

  6. TopperMadison6:15 AM

    It looks like Amy got hitched when none of us were looking:

  7. Dhajidhaji6:15 AM

    Scarjo? Penelope Cruz?

  8. Sbreezy296:19 AM

    Amy got married back in May. I'd say Julia since she met her current husband on the set of a film, and she's been making more appearances out solo lately.

  9. Zilla12:26 PM

    Like Julia's nostrils aren't large enough. Coke nostrils are humongous.

  10. alice7:20 PM

    I think this could be Julia Roberts as she’s been selling all her property like she’s preparing for a divorce. Lots of problems with her handyman, sorry, with her husband: money, family feuds, and let’s not forget he’s a cheater, that’s how she got him in the first place.

    Just for fun even if it’s unlikely: Julianne Moore and Michael Shannon. Just because I’d wish to hear more gossip shit about both of them.
