Friday, September 11, 2015

Blind Item #10

There is someone in Random Photos Part Two today and this blind is about them. Every time I pose a photo of her all I ever think of is a time I saw her at a park. That 30 minutes perfectly sums her up. She was with her baby and Jessica Alba was sitting next to her. Jessica was about to leave and the subject of our blind who we can call Orange for our purposes kept hugging Jessica and telling her how much she loved Jessica and she would text her later. It was a non-stop hug and hush fest. Meanwhile, Jessica was busy trying to prepare her husband and kids for the pap walk to the car which was the sole purpose she had come to the park and kept saying uh huh to Orange.

After Jessica left, Orange called her husband and yelled at him to hurry because the paps were not going to stick around long. She did it from the bathroom but everyone heard her. So, the guy gets there. The entire time she was waiting she was in the bathroom. He gets to the park and has a blanket and a book. The couple then take the blanket, book and baby to a grassy part of the park. They lie on the blanket for five minutes pretending to read the book to the kid and to make them seem like the perfect family for the paps. After the five minutes they gather everything up and leave the park.

Oh, I almost forgot. Fast forward a couple of months later. I see her randomly with Jennifer Meyer and they are saying goodbyes and Orange is telling Jennifer how much she loves her and won't stop hugging and I am thinking to myself, "Is this normal for her or did I just happen to stumble upon her two best friends?" It literally went on for several minutes as Jennifer tried to peel herself away without seeming like a b**ch. Jennifer might make some really over priced jewelry but she is really nice and was even more nice that day.

In the world of fake there is fake and then there is Orange who is a step above all of that. She goes above and beyond to kiss up and to stay in front of any camera she can find.


  1. Tricia134:31 AM

    Nicole Ritchie

  2. Derek Harvey4:32 AM

    jamie king

  3. Tricia134:36 AM

    Or Jessica Simpson based on recent interview and her faux spray tans

  4. sandybrook4:36 AM

    I remember seeing a pic of Jessica in the park with hubby here.

  5. I'm getting a bad Amy Adams vibe.

  6. sandybrook4:46 AM

    I was thinking Selma Blair for orange

  7. Derek Harvey5:00 AM

    or rachel zoe

  8. sandybrook5:13 AM

    Jaime King FTW!

  9. back again5:13 AM

    I think of Tori Spelling w/photo op w/happy family..not her but that's who i think of.(& Reese w/her pocketbooks of course)

  10. Snookiemonster5:14 AM

    @derek and sandy FTW

  11. Kno Won Uno5:18 AM

    I agree. She's the fakest fakester who isn't a Kardsashian/Jenner. And a bitch.

  12. TheCousinEddy5:25 AM

    @DerekHarvey: Good job! Here's some photographic proof from doing a Google image search for "Jaime King Family Park":

    Soooo many photos of her and the family at the park. Interestingly enough, the one I provided the link for above was also taken on the same day as another one (based on Jaime's outfit in the first photo) showing Jaime and Jessica Alba sitting on a park bench together. Link to that one in my next post...

  13. TheCousinEddy5:25 AM

    ...And her and Jessica Alba on the same day:

  14. jaime king

  15. Def Jamie King. Her name is Lemon on that terrible Hart of Dixie show.

  16. juicy6:40 AM

    FWIW jessica alba is jaime's BFF and godmother to her first son.

  17. yayme6:57 AM

    Am I really supposed to believe that these people (including Enty) hang out in a park?

  18. Tricia 136:59 AM

    @juicy...I thought so! she sprang to mind but then so did pix of King/Alba at each others kids christenings/parties ..etc.
    Had no clue she was a "lemon" - good catch@nah.

  19. back again7:37 AM

    and TayTay is godmother to the other tot.

  20. just4fun12:01 PM

    @TheCousinEddy nice research and might that be a carton of ORANGE juice at her side in the first picture?

  21. I'm just depressed12:47 PM

    Should I know who Jamie King is?

  22. I too am at a loss to figure out what Jaime King does besides appear on this site. The pix of her sitting on the bench hanging out with Alba and her kids does seem fake. No way I would leave my kids at home while I hung out with some other chick's children.
