Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 16, 2015

This foreign born former A+ list singer thinks she can compete with the younger singers of today and decided to spend several hundred thousand dollars to try and look a couple of decades younger. She should just go out and sing her music but she misses the days where she was a sex symbol and can’t stand that she is not any longer.

Shania Twain


  1. sandybrook3:35 AM

    Man She Felt Like a Woman though (bitch still looks pretty good to me)

  2. I truly thought Shania had more sense and self confidence than that.

  3. back again3:58 AM

    Several Hundred Thousand Dollars??? what did she do snatch Doutzen Kroes' Body???

  4. Kno Won Uno4:01 AM

    If that could be done, I'd have done it.

  5. TheCousinEddy5:33 AM

    The more important question here: Does this Blind Reveal that Shania actually sings disqualify her as being one of the potential answers to all of the MV Blinds???

    Anybody still keeping track of the possible answers for MV Blindd?

  6. She was a sex symbol? I mean she was cute and all... but a sex symbol? I dunno...

  7. Ginger6:08 AM

    JLO meet your Canadian sister, Shania. Except Shania can actually sing.
    Got to give JLo credit though, her plastic surgeon did/does great work on her. Keeps it very subtle.

  8. Jonathan Andrew Sheen6:25 AM

    Shit, there was no need for that! I still wouldda, and I don't even like country music a little teeny tiny bit!

  9. back again6:39 AM

    I just looked at her pics from San Diego on Aug.22, she's channeling Fergie there.. but I was more impressed with her Stage Setup with these 2 huge hologram sorta leopards - pretty kool.

  10. definitely tacos7:16 AM

    hey as a twenty something female I can say SHANIA GIRL I STILL THINK YOU ARE HOT PLS COME OVER

  11. Oh she was a sex symbol. She was smokin' hot around the end of the 90s', early 2000s'.

  12. She's still got it. A shame she thinks otherwise.

  13. Erin C10:16 PM

    MV is supposedly American but she is still my top pick. It is supposedly down to Britney and JLo.

  14. Penelope 212:28 AM

    Really? She looks freaking hot. She looks way better than women half her age. She doesn't need any work!

  15. Everybody's got their sumthin'!

  16. Still looks great. Her thing always was she was like Sarah Palin in that no matter how famous, still had the country bumpkin hair and clothes and taste. She looks great. Just hair and makeup is all she needs.

  17. back again10:57 AM

    well she's had Hundreds of Thousands of work done so it's too late
