Monday, August 24, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 5, 2015

This former A list singer might not even be 30 yet but it has not stopped her from hitting the botox hard the past few months. That and a few other procedures combined with her need to have everyone notice her with her hair color has everyone worried about her. This is not just about getting older.



  1. sandybrook3:35 AM

    It's not like she's psychologically stable after all.

  2. Groaning4:32 AM

    When was she ever A list?

  3. Malibuborebee6:40 AM

    I know I've seen her a hundred times here but I still couldn't pick her out of a lineup. Despite her antics she's a totally unmemorable girl.

  4. Slang King8:39 AM

    Little discernable talent. Average looking. The only reason she's any kind of list is cuz she's 'designer outrageous' like a number of her peers. Her small success is down to her marketing team. Kinda like a human 50 Shades Of Grey novel.

  5. DoctorMaybe3:37 AM

    She should have stuck to songwriting. She had some real success there. But I guess she wanted the limelight. More fool her.
