Saturday, August 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 23, 2015

This former Real Housewife who made a recent special appearance took offense at this Academy Award winner at a party this week. The actor in question who is not known for being pro-women was walking through the party rubbing his genitals. Every couple of minutes he would take a lap around the room and do it. Our former reality star confronted him about it and our actor told her to f**k off.

Kelly Bensimon/Cuba Gooding Jr.


  1. it took forever4:41 AM

    wow he just gets worst over time

  2. cakecakecake6:08 AM

    I think I am the last person on earth who does NOT know he is a coke and booze head pervert.

  3. How do you spell Cuba? P-I-G?
    He is what Chris Rock would call a...

  4. Jasmine11:39 AM

    Kelly Bensimon sleeps with Bobby Flay while he's married and is ok with it but is overly offended by this? Ok.

  5. persiaa12:54 PM

    Never thought I'd say this, but good for Kelly.

  6. Whywhywhy???1:21 PM

    At least the long suffering wife finally got it together and left him. They met in hs and i bet he was cheating then. dad sang with the 70s band Main Ingredient. I wonder if he has anything in the can since it's amazing he gets insured to work.

  7. June Gordon12:04 AM

    My kinda party y'all!!!!! YUM!!!!!

  8. YouWishYouKnew4:02 PM

    Cuba 'GoodTimes'ing Jr. Is a well known coke fiend and lady man handler within every city he lives or works in. I hope his wife took half.
