Thursday, August 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 6, 2012

This A list all movie actress has always prided herself on her control when it comes to drugs so no one was shocked that back in the day she could hoover up more coke than anyone and not let it affect her while it sent some of her celebrity girlfriends straight to rehab and derailed their acting careers forever.

Cameron Diaz


  1. Derek Harvey2:03 AM

    Well it did not take her very good places in life---she ended up marrying a Madden brother, and not even the decent looking one. I bet family visits with her and Nicole are tons of fun....

  2. Kno Won Uno2:21 AM

    But have you seen close up pics of Cammie lately? Saying she's not aging well is extremely generous.

  3. What was the neighbor name in Something About Mary? Her skin is looking bad.

  4. Wait......not done who were the celebrity friends who couldn't handle their coke??

  5. Ginger6:16 AM


  6. back again8:35 AM

    Cameron's always had really bad adult acne-she talks about all the stuff & diets she's tried & she hated when Film went to HD.

  7. cakecakecake8:46 AM

    yeah, but its showed in he face, it looks like a rottening apple--the nose and mouth is collapsing IN...
    and her head is shrinking.

  8. morgana2:16 PM

    She has rosacea. That is why her skin looks bad.
