Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Blind Item #7

Except when they are locked in their hotel room at night with all booze removed from the mini-bar, this Fantastic Four actor has a studio person watching them on this press tour to keep them out of trouble.


  1. Tricia131:31 AM

    Miles Teller?
    Isnt he the one a blind was about being wasted

  2. back again1:34 AM

    Miles Teller.... he got wasted with Norman Reedus that time--Miles DOES have a drinking problem- this is a fact.not rumor.

  3. back again1:37 AM

    and I'm glad The Studio has a Sober Watcher for him...although you'd think he was definately buzzed with that ill-fitting suit he wore at Yesterday's Premiere...or his Stylist was ...

  4. Tricia131:38 AM

    so young, he is. Hope this isn't another Shia buy biya my career LaBouef.

  5. back again1:44 AM

    nice rhymin' there so early in the morn!!! No,he's got good people supposedly around him & he's driven.(Just the difference of all hotel minibars being ordered empty is a difference-i know that's just salad dressing but Miles was On Board with having a sober coach...Shia would never have before his arrest..or now probably.

  6. Tricia131:49 AM

    Would've been a better rhyme if I used the correct spelling of "bye bye":)) derp.
    Well thats good news.he is talented. Whiplash was one of the best debuts of a young actor I have ever seen

  7. Will Smith. He turned down Django Unchained because he wasn't the lead. The part went to Jamie Foxx instead

  8. back again3:02 AM

    @Nah., Excellent Guess but you're on the wrong Blind! You ANNOUNCE that AWESOME GUESS on BI#6 FTW

  9. back again3:04 AM

    @Nah,,, I MEAN BLIND #8 !!!! you got it i think!

  10. Sadie3:42 AM

    Jamie Bell. No doubt. Brits are terrible binge drinkers. His wife dumping him for a woman was no doubt humiliating for him.

  11. Nancy5:50 AM

    Miles was my guess too. He's been quiet this press tour but it seems Michael Jordan and Kate Mara are handling most of the press.

  12. Nancy6:30 AM

    Spoke too soon, Miles gave a douchey interview to Esquire magazine.
