Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Blind Item #6

The only time the paps had photos of this couple spending a romantic weekend with each other was on Sunday morning when they both showed up a place to eat. They wanted it to look like they spent the weekend together, but she was with her friends at one place and this former A list tweener turned A-/B+ list mostly movie actor was having his own drug fueled party in a separate place.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM

    Zac Effron

  2. Derek Harvey1:18 AM

    Zac Effron and Sammi whatever

  3. Derek Harvey1:19 AM

    *sami miro

  4. back again1:24 AM

    Enty...we get it! same Blind different wording every month! Last month it was in Hawaii-we get it -

  5. Sami was at her friends birthday party all weekend in Palm Springs
    While Zac was at a nearby Hotel with a few guys.

  6. Squeege2:00 AM

    I will never understand why paps play along with these little fantasies. They must get paid a ton of money to take the staged pictures

  7. When I can guess something, we need a term 10K times better than easy peasy, which enty did not even use here.

  8. Sharon2:34 AM

    Is anyone surprised this is Zac and Sami? She is always with her "lipstick" friends and he loves those all male parties. If he does have an "alleged" BF I don't know how he puts up with this unless he is great in bed?

  9. Zac takes his BF to all these parties so I'm not surprised at that. They are into threesomes and orgies now.
    There were a few male models and male strippers there also.
    Just like Ramsey's birthday party last November.
    Zac spends as little time with his beard as possible.

  10. Keith4:04 AM

    This is Zac and Sami for sure but stop saying Zac is gay. He might of experimented with dudes but that would be about all.

  11. if sami was at her friends all weekend why didnt we see any pics of her there? was she hiding in the house? in a bedroom? her friends sure didnt tag her in any of the pics.

  12. if sami was with her friends all weekend in palm springs then where was she at the party? hiding? also they were seen eating dinner together that night.
    so how is this item bout zac and sami?

  13. She was at her friends all weekend except for Sunday. It would look like she was alone with Zac if she was seen at the party . They both never take photos at parties if they don't want people to know they are there.
    This is how they always travel she stays at one place and he stays with his bf at another place .One day they are seen together .
    Zac loves his drugs and bf and orgies.

  14. so was sami hiding? did she tell her friends not to post her there or tag her in any of the pics? so on sunday sami and zac left there parties to go biking and spend the day together? because the pic sami posted on friday look like she was at zac's place so did they drive up alone?

  15. Jasmine5:25 AM

    How do you know all this?

  16. Jasmine5:29 AM

    Who is Ramsey?

  17. Rainbow5:37 AM

    I could actually believe that this was Efron and Miro if there wasn't one fatal flaw in your post. Where are the pap pics? Even though the item mentions them, they don't seem to exist because we all know with the way certain fans are oogling over the relationship, JustJared or JustJaredJr would have snatched them up to get hits.

    Nice try. This sounds like nothing more than something a disgruntled fan wrote up.

  18. That is what I said happens at parties when she does not want people to know where she is.
    Sami went to P.S. with her friends and Zac drove down later with his bf and two other dudes.

  19. he is prolly referring to fan creepy pics of zac and sami at some resturaunt they were atal.

    why are you so unsure on him? why do you think a fan would write this? they love sami.

  20. tc apparently knows zac n his friends and etc, so he apparently knows things.

  21. so on sunday zac and sami left the parties they were at to go biking? so on friday and saturday sami was in palm springs with her friends ? why does she not want to be pictured yet when zac is filming nad etc shes all over the place?

  22. Jasmine6:21 AM

    So is he gay or bi? I don't really think he's gay tbh.

  23. Sami was with her friends on Friday and Saturday and Zac was with his. They wanted everyone to think they were on a romantic weekend together. They were together only on Sunday. They left P.S. at different times.

  24. so if thats the case, why did they need to imply they were together sunday when in reality they werent even together the whole weekend?

    but did she tell her friends dont post any pics of her at the party at all?

  25. Theresa9:58 AM

    I think he is bi.. To many stories and blinds about partying with girls and guys.

  26. Ramsey is one of Zac's gay friends. He had a birthday in November and the same thing happened there.
