Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blind Item #4

This Teen Mom might claim she is drug free, but the guy who sells her meth says she has not been paying and if she doesn't, then he is going to start spilling and he knows a lot.


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    janelle evens

  2. Derek Harvey12:31 AM

    Leah Messer

  3. Teen Mom1:26 AM

    Oh, crap. Another Teen Mom. Let me guess...a Housewife blind coming up soon.

  4. Scrub1:36 AM

    Stop sending in tips @Teen Mom! LOL ;)

  5. Leah "the drug-addicted ho" Messner

  6. Ellie1:59 PM

    no...janelle likes weed and heroin. gotta be leah. she repeatedly says "i am not on drugs" all season and no one believes her.

  7. Because of her high profile, she wasn t expected to show up every day but often enough, like a few times a month, so that the audience would know that it was hers the Barbara Walters of the group, you could say. The other women included a newlywed, a model-actress-mom in her 40s, a single, divorced woman in her 40s, and a woman in her early 60s.
