Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Blind Item #10

This triple threat foreign born A list actor blew off fans after a show this week. They were waiting for hours but he didn't stop for one photo or one autograph. He is getting cranky. Must be what we talked about yesterday. Or the pressure of the whole home situation.


  1. Tricia134:48 AM

    Benedict Cumberbatch

  2. sandybrook4:51 AM


  3. TopperMadison4:55 AM

    That singing, dancing, and acting Cumberbatch! He's right up there with Fred Astaire.


  4. StewMcG4:57 AM

    If Enty isn't using the "traditional" meaning of triple-thread (actor, dancer, singer) and is going with a TV/movies/stage meaning, I'll say this is Benedict Cumberbatch.

  5. mariaj5:00 AM

    Just a thing, in case i gave missed something: it has been established WHAT Enty means with " thriple-double treath" the medium ( as in, tv, cinema, theatre) or the skills (singing, dancing, acting )?

  6. sandybrook5:03 AM

    Enty uses triple threat mostly as movies, tv, theatre, not the way it should be used--singing acting dancing

  7. TopperMadison5:03 AM

    Don't know and don't care. I refuse to accept that there is any other definition of the term than singing, dancing, and acting, and no amount of repetition will change my mind.

  8. Tricia135:04 AM

    @Topper lol- I agree. @Maria- it hasn't really been established formally, but enty seems to be using the term that way here, in addition to different crafts within film(As he's done with actors turned directors like Bateman):he may draw from this..dunno, came across it- it's yet another description of the term(sometimes enty does a combo of all)--??

  9. back again5:12 AM

    Actually now you can be a Quadruple Threat according to Enty: Movies, T.V.,Theatre, and Almost T.V.
    Im never going w/this mangling of the true meaning of a triple threat either with these stupid substitutes.

  10. back again5:13 AM

    Also Enty, this is not a Blind - There are 3 news articles about Cumberbitch's behaviour after Hamlet

  11. MadameZ5:48 AM

    This is what Blind Gossip is doing now: Making a blind out of a current news story (if it's not about that stupid One Direction). Blind Gossip is the worst. Not going back there again.

  12. Chuchu5:48 AM

    He did do some yesterday. Saw some stuff on twitter. And we're only 2 days into this week. Geez. Anyways fans were told beforehand that there would be no stage door after the show. But they waited anyways, oy the desperation. And I thought what I saw at tiff was bad. Women crying because they couldn't get a scratch on a blank piece of paper. This is what happens when actors who do TV shows try to do other things. Give up TV Ben, stick with movies if you want to rid yourself of the plague of the fan girls.

  13. LOLSTANS5:54 AM

    This BI was invented and submitted by a Tumblr user 'Gatorfisch' who runs a hate/conspiracy theory blog dedicated to 'proving' that Benedict Cumberbatch is not married, not a father, and that the women posing as his wife is actually a hired escort who has been blackmailing and abusing him in order to force him to go along with a fake marriage and fake pregnancy. She is a very disturbed stalker and it's very obvious from her posts that she's the one submitting the fake BIs about the marriage to Enty.

  14. Kno Won Uno5:56 AM

    It irritates me to an unreasonable degree that the phrase is continually misused here. I must need a drink with a xanax garnish.

  15. Diego5:57 AM

    hahaha, Enty, it's for you. http://the-fellowship-of-erdemhart.com/post/126439853296/so-door-of-the-stage-much-selfies-with-the-ben
    I understand Enty received an order for Cumberbatch. Enty, check out facts, and then write. Do not be a kid.

  16. Kno Won Uno5:59 AM

    "...using the "actual, correct" meaning ..."
    Fixed that for you.

  17. It's a fake BI, submitted by the infamous Gatorfisch, who runs a hate blog about Cumberbatch's wife.

    For proof:
    1. Each time Enty has posted a BI that's obviously about Cumberbatch, she's posted on her blog a few hours or 1-2 days beforehand "predicting" that there will be a BI, and somehow manages to "predict" the exact content of the BI before it's posted.

    2. She is very insistent that the BIs MUST be about Cumberbatch, spends a lot of time and effort trying to make all the other fans believe they're about him, and gets furious when anyone says they don't believe it's about him - why would a Cumberbatch fan be so invested in persuading people that the actor she's obsessed with is a nasty drug addict?

    3. She got caught out by the wording of the last Cumberbatch BI, which stated the actor was about to transition from double threat (movies and TV) to triple (movies and TV, plus theatre), implying the actor is about to become a theatre star but is not yet. Obviously this does not describe Cumberbatch, since he's been a major theatre star for years. Hamlet is not even the first big play he's done since becoming famous with Sherlock, that was Frankenstein. Since that was pointed out to her, oh look! The wording has changed from "will soon become a triple threat" to "is a triple threat."

    4. She uses the same rare non-standard definition of triple threat that the BIs do.

  18. Bluebird6:11 AM

    Wow. Sounds like you're up on Tumbr, too. If she has an agenda, what about you?

    Besides, this could be Redmayne. They're interchangeable, right? And he's looking pretty wan lately.

    Plus he is a triple threat.

  19. Diego6:17 AM

    It's not tumblr girl wrote this. I think this BI exists just to clarify that last BI was supposed to be about Cumberbatch since everyone was arguing about Enty’s definition of a “triple threat”.
    Poor Cumberbatch, he has acquired enemies who pay Enty.

  20. StewMcG6:29 AM

    I was trying to not be too snarky about Enty and CDaN's "alternative" meaning. *lol*

  21. mariaj6:33 AM

    Oh, come on, Diego and lolsatns and others, as someone else has pointed out, this is IN THE NEWS, so, it might be exagerated, and is thrue that no actor should be obliged to do SD, but this ( not so ) BI is thrue. No idea about the others facts, the marriage, the kid, the escort, etc, but this new ALONE is thrue.

  22. Bluebird6:56 AM

    Thrue. It would be nice if Enty would solve the other blinds to get those out of the way so we'd know one way or the other.

  23. Flipnut7:11 AM

    As much as I am all in on the BC & SH thing being weird and abnormal for whatever odd reason it might ultimately be, you make good points. I lurk around Tumblr and find the skeptic camp making very interesting cases, but Gatorfitch is seriously unhinged. For every skeptic you find making coherent connections and mapping out legitimate reasons for why they made those connections, you have GF jumping to wild conclusions, calling names, and figuratively waving her arms around. GF is honestly about a hair's breadth away from organizing a kidnapping of Benedict for what s/he would doubtlessly insist was for his own good.

    I think the majority of the skeptics of this relationship WANTED to be happy for Benedict, only digging in when he looked curiously miserable and waxy for someone who was newly engaged/a father to be/etc, and it chaps my ass that everyone throws around the JEALOUS BITCH card to explain away the criticisms. However, I do think there are a small percentage of very vocal people out there like Gatorfisch whose issues with the relationship ARE emotional, psychologically twisted, and not based in anything but wild, freaked out emotions. I had to unfollow GF ages ago because I couldn't take the fucked up, flipped out, foaming-at-the-mouth ranting.

    I'll have a snack now and then at the skeptic table, but way, way, way at the other end from GF's ilk, thank you.

  24. Diego7:14 AM

    Do you think he is a drug addict, no one forbids you to think so.
    He said a year ago that he would not do SD.
    But he walks past fans, waving them. On Saturday, he came out with an ad "no photo/ no video." it's was in news. Yesterday, he went out to fans for photo and signing.
    Enty writes full of shit.

  25. TopperMadison7:14 AM

    May I join you? I have never previously declared war on such an unimportant topic, but this one bugs the bejeezus out of me, and so I will die in the saddle.

  26. Whoacres7:16 AM

    Actually some tumblr pulled up some old plays for people to look up while there in London. Maybe find old pics or sumtin. Anyways, cumberbuns was in musicals in schools. Outside plays or air head thehaters, whateves. He was the nose in Pinocchio. Lolz I doubt he did drugs tho, His nose is too high in the air to get the straw up! Pain Pills? HA! Aliens don't feel pain! ROTFLMFAO

  27. Saimon7:32 AM

    Cumberbatch works on tv, movies, theatre and radio. Hahah.

  28. Saimon7:40 AM

    Cumberbatch plays in theatre from 5 years old in school. And Enty wrote only now that he is triple threat, but before Enty wrote that Cumberbatch "double threat". Cumberbatch is Olivier Award winner, he has all british theatrical awards.
    "thriple treat" - singing, dancing and acting
    Hugh Jackman it's triple threat, not Cumberbatch.

  29. Yeahsure8:20 AM

    Well, it's not exactly a "fake" BI - strictly speaking it's not a BI at all since there was a lot of coverage of Cumberbatch's antics and schizoid behavior around the whole stage door/autographs/filming stuff. So that bit not only isn't fake, it isn't even "blind". If the bloody Guardian covered the stage door baloney, Enty can hardly take credit for inside info!

    The rest, though . . . eh, what can one say? I suppose we'll find out one day. The question is, will anyone care by then?!

  30. Yeahsure8:24 AM

    If you have news reporters on PBS using the ubiquitous "myself" and "yourself" for "me" and "you", (not: "someone like yourself" - the correct form is "someone like you") what do you expect from Enty?

    The myself/yourself for me and you is my current passionate peeve, even moreso that Cumbers' absurdly immature antics. And I don't think the reviews of "Hamlet" are quite what he hoped.

  31. Yeahsure8:28 AM

    Not. Redmayne hasn 't been blowing off fans at the thee-ay-ter this week, the whole fracas has very publicly been about Cumberbatch and the Barbican.

  32. If you're not going to snark, why are you here? *LOL*

  33. Malibuborebee10:31 AM

    Hey Enties, stop being such total fucking morons and use "triple threat" correctly. It's Dancing, Acting and Singing - period.

    Yes, obviously it's Cumberbatch, hardly blind, and I just don't want to know about his creepy Stans.

  34. This just looks like someone has a tiff with Benedict and is trying to hurt his reputation. He may have been acting like a douche and making some of the worst decisions he's ever made over the past year or so that have tanked his reputation, but none of it indicates that he is or was ever on drugs. I believe he looks the way he does because he's chronically, overly stressed out about the general downward direction of his life and reputation, despite the publicity stunts he's been pulling in an attempt to achieve the opposite. I saw the video where he asked people to stop recording, and it looks to me like he was trying his best to be polite, but wasn't taken that way by some of the big news outlets who accused him of yelling at fans and being a diva and such, so he's doing stage door now as damage control. He, like any other celebrity who chooses to put their life in the public eye, definitely should be called out stupid things, but only if they're true. And I don't believe this one's true.

  35. His fans are lunatics. I'd wouldn't always stop either.

  36. mariaj9:15 PM

    Btw, it baffles and amuses me how much passionate Cumberbatch fans are, i mean, all that passion for HIM? What they find in him? I mean, i don't find strange that he has fans and admirers, but this kind of passion? I don't get it.

  37. Athenys12:57 AM

    BC can be his own worst enemy, this mess is his fault to a great extent but now he's all about damage control. His PR must have told him to put on a happy face or ELSE. I don't know where the stannies are pulling their accusations from (though I have a good idea) because this BI does not come via Tumblr. There were already rumors of drug use going around before this. That certainly explains his startling weight loss and rapid aging. SH is a textbook narcissist, she lies ALL the time. Her plagiarism and self-aggrandizing BS in The Guardian along with false claims that she's Birkin's niece are proof enough of that. So all in all BC IS in a very toxic situation, many people will self-medicate in order to cope.

  38. Well, "Enty"' already messed up with the supposed blind about Tina Knowles ("I don't speak with the help"), so....

  39. Bluebird1:49 AM

    Hey, how come the mobile app doesn't include all of the comments? There were some goodies I wanted to show someone.

  40. Chuchu2:14 AM

    Go to your browser setting Rjayeheron and checkmark "request desktop site" then all the comments should show up. Nice icon btw.

  41. Yeahsure2:23 AM

    I don't know about drug use and Cumberbatch seems to lose weight for certain roles, like Sherlock, and then beef up for others, like Khan. His schedule since Imitation Game looked so promising for awards, with the pregnancy, the engagement, the marriage, the awards disappointment, the travel, then starting rehearsals for the biggest role of his career, would have killed an ox and evidenced stress in anyone. I don't doubt he hasn't been eating much - and he smokes heavily.

    I used to think he'd been the victim of really bad PR handling and advice, especially in the last year. But all that said, I'm slowly coming around to believing he really is deeply closeted and that his fierce ambition and an unwillingness to risk a leading man career, the horrendous Tumblr crap that grew up around him after Sherlock, pushing 40, etc., backed him into a corner of needing desperately to get the hetero creds out of the way . . . have all crashed down in the space of a year.

    Whatever the bargain between him and Hunter is, he's a willing part of it and it amuses me to no end that the conspiracy theorists hysterically deny the one glaring reason he'd engage in a "fake" marriage or "let" someone bamboozle him into marriage and fatherhood in one of the busiest years of his life. The idea that he's into smack or molesting children is moronic, in my view. If the relationship is one of convenance, as the French say, it's because he's gay and been quite successful at hiding it with his up and down relationship with Poulet and then found himself needing another "solid" relationship. I'm sure the crazies are . . . well, crazy, and the marriage is legal and the child, his, but hell, he is starting to ping so loudly to me . . .

  42. Athenys5:08 AM

    LOL. What is moronic is the inability to see that this arrangement has not helped him. One could argue that his career would be fairing a lot better and that he's posed to lose a lot once SH goes the way of Sonny Pacheco. Ditto for parental alienation regardless of that kid's true paternity. All that work made him look like a cancer patient? Bullshit. He's had a packed work schedule before and a 'lavender marriage' alone doesn't do that to you. See, despite prenups and what have you SH types don't play by the rules. In other words if SH is a beard she is a piss poor one. BCoop etc. picks them a lot better. There is also the possibility that it is not a simple bearding deal but something more convoluted.

  43. Chuchu6:58 AM

    Hey Aeltri, got yourself a new profile I see.

  44. And "moreso," which you used, doesn't bother you? It's not even a word. Most of the time when people use it, they should have said "more."

  45. JolieManiac7:33 AM

    Oh my. I googled 'Gatorfisch'. That really is mindboggling. She so very desperately wants to convince everyone that the BIs ARE about Benedict Cumberbatch, but that they are NOT true, except where they are negative towards Sophie Hunter. Because it's all part of some masterplan wherein Sophie Hunter is submitting fake BIs about her husband to Enty, for some bizarre reason? And there's some weird stuff about how Enty BI are regarded as a very reliable source??

    I mean, really. Is this even in English? (In response to someone asking, if Enty's BIs are legit as Gatorfisch claims, doesn't that mean that Ben is a junkie?)

    "It’s not even about an individual blind being true. It’s about the overall thing being true. We already know most of the pregnancy blinds are not really true. But they fit the narrative of “not his”. And that she’s not faithful, etc. So we have to take the individual blinds with a grain of salt, but pay attention to the overall theme of the blinds."

  46. LOLSTANS7:37 AM

    S'up stan!

    How's life in crazytown? Hope that tinfoil hat is proving successful at blocking Sophie Hunter's psychic death powers (or whatever she's supposedly using to force a celeb into faking a marriage and pregnancy, and forcing the entire British entertainment industry, press, and Church of England to knowingly go along with major fraud).

  47. Yeahsure7:50 AM

    Touche, Lu! No one is perfect!

  48. Yeahsure8:05 AM

    I know, right?! These hysterics are absolutely amazing: they won't admit that the marriage is real, but when you point out that the only really logical reason he would go to all that trouble over a fake one is because he's gay, they start bringing in the Dark Matter Theory: "something more convoluted" . . . like what? Smack? Child molestation? Running a brothel out of his house in Hampstead?! This is the entertainment industry - there isn't a one of the Seven Deadly Sins they aren't all familiar with and shrug off. The only thing that would really fuck up his leading man ambitions is the Dorkybatch Brigade finding out he plays for the other team. Since they can't accept the most logical reason for a beard arrangement, they hint at things that they can't even make up. Gay men have also been known to fuck women on occasion, especially if they want a kid; then there's the turkey baster route.

    They're stuck between a rock and a hard place: they want him to be innocent of everything but then reject the most likely reason he'd have to foist this off on the public. Hey, it's worked for Jackman for years and it looks like Toddles may be going down the same path.

    And actually, BCoop doesn't pick them a lot better: Hunter worked for him because she's out of his own social drawer, British, artsy but with no career that could threaten him, bright enough to be plausible, attractive but not beautiful, and willing to give him what he needed in exchange for a career bump up and financial security.

    Face it: they could do a paternity test on live TV and people like this would insist they'd switched the tubes of blood before getting it under the microscope.

    There's no fucking blackmail going on here - either Cumberbatch likes someone his obsessed fandom doesn't, or he knocked her up and put a ring on it, or both, or it's a beard marriage.

    The "something more convoluted" is a fantasy they engage in to persuade themselves that his flesh never touched hers but not because he's gay . . .

  49. Athenys9:41 AM

    My goodness are some people stupid when it comes to the twisted ways of showbiz. By something more convoluted I meant that he had other people pushing the idea in the first place. BC agreed that it was good for his image but then got in over his head. You have to understand that some of the people he was dealing with are really shady. They have a bad reputation even within the entertainment industry. Certain media moguls are notorious for pairing celebs up, see: Fassbender and Vikander. Even the STRAIGHT ones, if they are gay/bi? 'No Homo' campaign all the way. SH was a bland, wallflower type that fit what the public expected from a 'British Gent'. She pulled a fast one, had the backing of HW and BC bit the bullet. He's making the best out of a less than ideal situation. The only person who won anything here was SH. BC is the losing party any way you look at it.

  50. Yeahsure12:21 PM

    He bit WHAT bullet? That's what you people never really define but just hint at darkly. If the bullet was that he agreed it was good for his image (for which you have nothing but rumor to go on), then maybe he had a reason for being afraid for his image. If he's straight and figured why not casually bang her while he used her, and wasn't careful and she got knocked up, then the only bullet he bit was his own. Yet you lot keep insisting there is no baby, it's a pillow baby, or it's someone else's baby.

    Only three scenarios make any sense here: he casually knocked her up in which case he liked her well enough AND he decided to put a ring on it even though it's 2015 and that's on him. OR he really fell in love with her, something you lot can't accept. OR, he's so damn gay that yeah he never touched her and they used a turkey baster and he's getting out of Hunter exactly what they agreed upon: hetero creds and family for him, a career opportunity and financial security for her.

    Hunter gets nothing out of this unless she had a real baby and it's his. She'd be legally totally vulnerable and any competent lawyer could get rid of her if a paternity test showed it wasn't his . . . unless she's got something on him and the ONLY thing that would matter is: he's gay. Back to Square One.

    What doesn't make sense is that a rich straight man nearly 40 years old of considerable education and intelligence who can afford the best lawyers agreed to ruin his life and raise a child for 18 years who isn't his, all because . . . Harvey Weinstein said so? Really?!

    And he's not doing badly. He's got a Marvel franchise, he'll probably get a Best Supporting nom for "Black Mass" (just saw the trailers, he and Depp each have a decent shot here), and he's doing a sold-out Hamlet at the Barbican-maybe not the best reviews so far but that's hardly unknown . Exactly how does that add up to a failing career?!

  51. Chuchu1:55 PM

    So Harvey is making Fassbender and Vikander take part in a fake relationship even though they're in a movie that has nothing to do with Weistien!!!! Um ok, that makes no sense. But whatever.

  52. Chuchu2:08 PM

    Benophie isnt real! Larry Shippers and surrogacy. Jennifer Lawrence is in a fake relationship to hide her true love with Josh. Rob and Kirsten have a secret marriage and not one, but two babies. Dear lord fangirls are fuckign weird. Tumblr is fucking weird. Taking typical hollywood crap and twisting into unreal twisted convulated crap. .

  53. Chuchu2:14 PM

    Oh please Enty has had reveals that werent true or close to being true. If youve been here long enough you know that.

    But its funny no, that there was a reveal that Princess Diana sold herself to rich men, a reveal that Dr Dre and Jay Z are having people murdered but no reveals for Cumberbatch except for tha mundane stuff........wonder what that all means...........must mean something right......?................?????

  54. Athenys2:14 PM

    BC could have gotten 'straight cred' and his own bio kid without the embarrassment and PR blunders of the past few months. SH made sure she secured her place by pulling the babymama card at the worst possible time. Even a blind person can see that this was never about 'love' (except for money and fame) and that theirs was originally a 'relationship' of convenience. One that is now skewed heavily in her favor. BC could not go against the narrative that HW started in November. That's the point, the show had to go on even after HW was out of the picture. Since then it's been one lie after another. There was another BI that said everything was disjointed because they didn't even have a believable backstory in place. What is at stake if it's all blown wide open? Besides proof of his 'deviance', sexual and otherwise? His credibility. With other BI questioning paternity of SH's kid BC's gained nothing. Right now is not the time for a scandal or a legal battle, he has to wait. All of the deals you just mentioned were already in place before everything flew off the rails. Even the Hamlet tickets, were for the most part, sold. Same for DS and Marvel doesn't play around when it comes to being friendly to the fans. They signed up for the hyperactive dork which was what BC's public persona formally was. They didn't want some pissy, dead-eyed sod. As for an Oscar nom? There are already too many strong contenders. TH is far more likely to get it, as is ER (again). That's sure to sting come next year...

  55. Oh, man, Tumblr drama. Why must it infect every gossip site? Please let's just check it at the door here, unless y'all are too addicted to forget about your pet hates and put them away for a second.

  56. If you have a problem with a particular blogger, can't you just assassinate their character on every other conceivable platform and leave one untouched? Just be sure to let me know which one is safe.

  57. Athenys2:39 PM

    Weinstein acquired the distro rights for 'Macbeth'. It is said that MF's real GF is MC and that HW may have to just let them be. But HW thinks she's too 'old' and is grooming AK of 'Tulip Fever' fame to be his next 'it' girl. So he paired MF + AK up despite the fact that they don't even like each other. Another HW fauxmance was born...

  58. fritanga5:05 PM

    Ha very ha. These days it means movies, TV & stage.

  59. Yeahsure11:11 PM

    Jesus. I give up. Since you have so much inside info, would you mind giving me Harvey's private mobile number?

    And TH I think is going to be a bit disappointed in the reaction to ISTL. Early word is that it's not that great and his current squeeze walked off with the film, not him. Cumberbatch more likely for a Best Supporting nomination if the trailers I saw of BM were anything to go by, but it's true the Best Actor noms will go to people like Hardy, Hanks, Di Caprio for The Revenant, Hardy again poss as Best Supporting for The Revenant. TH is up against just as stiff competition as Cumberbatch. HIs legendary narcissistic ego is in for a shock when Lizzie gets Best Supporting noms and he doesn't get a nod . . .

    Meanwhile, you keep evidencing lunacy: why would the baby not be his? Answer: he's gay. Why wouldn't the baby be his if he's NOT gay and he was casually banging her? Why would Sophie Hunter put herself in a position so legally vulnerable that one paternity test would show her and the kid the exit door? It makes no sense whatsoever.

  60. Yeahsure11:14 PM

    It might help if Enty started being a bit more careful about his BIs, and put up ones that were based on something besides a current news story that we've all already heard or nonsense sent in by Tumblr hysterics bent on proving that Sophie Hunter is actually Maleficent.

  61. Athenys1:12 AM

    According to AA nom predictions ER is #2 and TH is #6 on the list for Best Actor. BC on the otherhand is only mentioned in the Best Supporting Actor category but is #19. BIG difference. HW will do *anything* for publicity, soap-opera style fauxmances etc. are his MO. He once asked someone to pretend that they were dying of cancer, hospital stay, the works. I can't think of too many other people who would take things that far. It didn't matter if the kid wasn't BC's, it's an open secret in theaterland. There were plenty of rumors about SH meeting up with her real BF. HW wove a tall tale involving BC + SH and they played their roles to the letter. BC can get out but he has to be careful because he can't reveal that he participated in a farce. SH on the otherhand is not going away quietly until she's wrung as much as she possibly out of this whole deal. We don't know how much she does know, it may very well be that BC is gay/bi. MF seems to know that she is blackmailing BC somehow. I'm sure he's not the only one...

  62. Yeahsure2:03 AM

    Except if you read my comment again you'll see that Best Supporting IS what I mentioned in connection with Cumberbatch, not Best Actor. Those early AA predictions are meaningless until the films come out. Depp in "Black Mass" and Leo in "The Revenant" and Hardy in "Legend" playing both Kray twins and ER in another total Oscar-bait role in "The Danish Girl" are going to dominate the Best Actor category, those films are bigger than ISTL (for which not one trailer has been shown where I live despite the fact that other November/December films are being previewed) and are going to blow TH's little indie film out of the water, attention-wise. He's more likely to pick up a BAFTA or GG or SAG nom, but an Oscar nom - only because they let more noms in now. If they keep it to five, I doubt TH stands a chance.

    As for the "not his" - Jesus. We're back to Square One. She's blackmailing him. Over what, one asks? No answer . . . something "convoluted" - except that it in his industry it would have to be so bad he'd never work again. As it's unlikely to be anything so bad he'd never work again, dear me, what could it be?

    He's gay. Oh no, it can't be that! So he's the only actor in the industry sleeping with underage models, or doing a bit of coke? And for that he's ruined his life with a wife and baby who isn't his?

    Gimme a break. RDJ went to jail for drugs and still has a booming career and is making money hand over fist with Marvel.

    Either he really wanted her or he's gay. I just don't buy the Alas, Poor Benedict nonsense. He's not stupid or without resources.

  63. beachgurl2:59 AM

    I think the truth is probably very boring and all the BIs and conspiracy theories are made up by fangirls who had fallen in love with Sherlock and are now mad that he is off the market. And granted, he didn't handle the PR around his marriage well. He alienated these fans.
    I believe he is straight, knocked her up, and likes her well enough that when the Academy Awards were on the horizon, decided to marry her so as to not sour his chances. He has said many times that he really wants to be a father so of course that is a big factor. How long this relationship will last is anyone's guess. But fangirls are mad that they can't have him. Pure and simple.

  64. I agree that he didn't handle the PR around his engagement and marriage well. *Someone* was responsible for instigating a slew of taunting articles about how superior his formerly unknown fiancée was to the presumably heartbroken masses. I think that's one thing that might have set a lot of people off--e.g., "Who is this woman and why are they writing such puffery about her? Why do they think I'm already jealous when I've never seen or heard of her before?" It made people take a much closer look than they would have, and to some, she did not show to advantage. I just wish every comment section having to do with Cumberbatch weren't tainted with all this anger.

  65. Not Taking Sides5:46 AM

    How about Enty's Given Motivation? The first Blind that featured BC was about him hiring escorts. The first Blind featuring SH implied she worked in that industry for extra money. Perhaps the two stories collide? She was the escort he hired? Maybe she filmed him or has pictures? She did work as a model for a few years and posed for a Russian photographer. He recently reposted these photos and labeled them bondage. The film SH was supposedlying featured these same themes. There was a Blind about BC and Laura Charmichael along the same lines. I'm not saying any of this is true.

    But YeahSure you seem so postive that you have the only solutions to a very complicated puzzle. You are berating other people for being set in their view points without being willing to expand yours. Is there a possibility that you are both wrong? Am I wrong? We may never know. But to insist that your view point is the only reasonable explanation and continue to harp on it as you have, is just as bad as you maintain the view of the person you are fighting against is. A reasonable person knows that they might be wrong, they could be right, but after a few tries knows there is no point in bashing someones head in about it. Just post your view and move on. If you are right your evidence speaks for itself, your shouldn't have to defend it!

  66. Yeahsure6:32 AM

    I'm quite willing to acknowledge that the more extreme explanations one day might turn out to be true. But surely considering the less extreme ones makes more sense? And people keep quoting these Enty BIs as if they were handed down by Moses on Mount Ararat. He admits himself he makes shit up - look what he did with the Stage Door Debacle - puts something up as a BI that he just copped from the news!

    The simplest answers are usually the most likely. The idea that BC married a woman who was blackmailing him with bondage photos (and his interest in BDSM is no more than yet another rumor), while his wife's pregnancy and the birth of his child are called into question is really rather absurd isn't it?

    Look, I'm far from the only person in the universe who has looked at the shit on those skeptic blogs and wondered what planet they are living on! They want DNA tests! They want the kid's birth registration! They want to see the marriage registry!

    They haven't seen Knightley's kid yet, they only just found out its name, they haven't seen its birth registration, they haven't seen her marriage certificate . . .

    As a physician friend of mine said about every new study about the new dietary miracle that comes out: "correlation" is not "proof".

    Enty's BI are entertainment, but entertainment hogwash. He makes half the shit up and gets the rest from fan blogs.

    He's married. His wife had a baby. I'll accept those as likely facts. The BDSM, fake pillow baby, fake marriage that he invited his pals and his family to . . . geez, sorry I can't hang with that!

    I think he might be gay or bisexual - but I'm not sending it in to the Scientific American and yeah, I could be wrong, and he could be an immature twat with lousy taste in women. For that matter, I think that of Hiddleston at this point, too.

    At this point, the only guy I really think really absolutely couldn't be is Aidan Turner.

    And if I'm wrong about him, I'm committing hara kiri.

  67. Yeahsure6:36 AM

    Oh, just wait till the engagement between Thomas William Hiddleston of Belsize Park and Elizabeth Olsen of Los Angeles, California, USA, is placed in the "Forthcoming Marriages" section of the TIMES . . . the Cumbersnatch fracas will fade into the distance and we'll have a whole new conspiracy theory to digest . . . LOL.

  68. Not Taking Sides7:41 AM

    You must be confusing me with other people or the conversation in your head. I did not mention blackmail, fake babies, fake weddings or pillow babies. You stated he had no reason to marry the girl besides Love, convenience (oops baby) or a lavender marriage. I simply supplied you with an alternate theory. No where did I mention fake babies or weddings. I did not mention whether I felt the marriage was real or legal or binding. And I will not. But I will draw your attention to two examples off the top of my head. Bobbi Kristina and Brandi. Both had wedding that were not legal. One even went on Oprah to expound on the fact then later recanted her statement. As far as fake babies, I would draw your attention to the YouTube families that has been making a sensation of late. They have recently fake a miscarriage, a pregnancy and many other devious things. It was all done in the pursuit of celebrity and fame. I am not saying that it is related to BC and SH, I am saying that it has been done.

    As for THEO, I am the one who started calling them that one TOBY. I wish them the best, they will need it. They should be studying everything BCSH have been doing and do the opposite. And for the record, I don't know what you would call it but I don't think TH will ever be truly happy with anyONE person, but since his preferences are not generally acceptable he will settle for a traditional marriage. He wouldn't be happy with a man, either BTW. Same sex marriage may be legal but what I'm suggesting is only legal in some Middle Eastern Countries and Utah. But of course, this is pure speculation and not to be confused with facts, of which there are none.

  69. Yeahsure11:03 AM

    Well, at least we're in agreement on the arrangement that would best suit TH - except that I retain a suspicion that his wide ranging appetite would not be averse to including a man in that arrangement. But given the well known breadth of his appetites, he should do anything but get married at the young age of 34. Unless, of course, he failed to wrap it up, too . . . and he thinks it would be goof for his image, too . . .

    As long as I never hear this AC/DC shit about Aidan Turner I can rest easy. That would absolutely be the last straw . . .

  70. Not Taking Sides10:28 PM

    I didn't say TH would be adverse to a man. I said he would choose to be in a male exclusive relationship. Different horse altogether. And the marriage thing. Just no. Not now. Not ever, until someone yells and screams like Clooney. Not even for a baby. He can pay for an oopps baby. If it happens, have a lawyer draw up an airtight contract and present it to her on a stairwell in a dessert country house somewhere.

    I must have missed the Aidan Turner stuff. General consensus is, what? Bearding, or Straight? He did dance. He doesn't strike me as an either or kind of guy. He's hot either way. I can moan over his pictures but never really wanted to know more. Watched Poledark and the Vampire thing. Wasn't the roommate on that played by a gay actor? If there are rumors about AT, I would look in that direction to be honest. Most over involved fans, which certain blogs rail against, are unable to believe to men can resist the temptation of working together on a set, so close, so hot. Particularly if one is gay and one is considered a heartthrob. The fans are like children sometimes. Because they would not be able to control themselves, they assume no one else would be able to control themselves either.

    If it is two woman on set, they must be lesbians. If it is two guys, they must be having sex. Regardless of orientation. Because, of course, men can just have casual sex, but women must be in a relationship.

  71. Yeahsure10:51 PM

    Never heard a whisper of Turner being anything but arrow-straight, even with the ten years of competitive ballroom dancing (unlike his countryman, Colin Farrell) - these days neither ballroom nor ballet dancers are all gay. He's been in a quiet relationship with a very pretty Irish actress for years, and he doesn't carry around the fey aura of many of the Brit actors, and that includes Redmayne (cough), Cumberbatch, Hiddleston , Cavill. . . Hardy has acknowledged doing both men and women in his younger days but says went all-hetero in his 30s. And FWIW before we beat this horse to death, I think Hardy is a better actor than either Cumberbatch or Hiddleston. They're both way too self-aware.

    And lots of people in this industry are simply sensualists - they'll try anything. They can have anything they want and they'll dabble out of curiosity. I find the best gossip site in town is actually datalounge. Those ladies usually know their own - and one of them on a recent thread said he'd waiting on Cumberbatch once at a private gathering and described him as "gayer than a cut production number from The Harvey Girls."

    And there Chatty Cathy here will let it rest.

  72. Chuchu3:27 AM

    I've been to the data lounge and there is no consensus on him being gay. Also they hate fan girls there so he could be trolling to make them mad or make em go away. There was a theatre guy there who worked with him who said he was straight.

  73. Donna3:45 AM

    He doesn't seem to have changed a bit as far as I can tell. Same guy he was 1,2,3,...10... years ago! I heard there are stories that go back even 20 years...

  74. Laura3:47 AM

    Well, maybe he has gotten worse because of a mid-life crisis. Or maybe he just tries to play it that way.

  75. Not Taking Sides4:37 AM

    If you have seen Cumberbatch or Hiddleston on datalounge, I want to see your glasses. You need a new script. They've been banned. New regime over there. Horrible formatting too. The only thing reliable I ever saw over there was a theatre rumour from before he was famous. They said his girlfriend was visiting the production while he was in the back with his side piece. There was never a consensus on whether the side piece was male, female or anything. It was vague. It also didn't say they were engaged in activities while the girlfriend was there either. That's why I call it reliable. It didn't push an agenda. The OP never clarified. I don't think it was baiting because it was before BC blew up as an actor. There was an in substantiated rumour of someone having dinner with him in November and him stating he was single. Now that I might call baiting. Especially since at the same time a second girlfriend showed up. And none of these rumours were on Datalounge except the first one before he was famous. They don't care for anyone that most people actually recognize.

  76. Yeahsure5:17 AM

    Their fangirls have been banned and yes I've seen the new format. But you need glasses if you didn't see the two new threads on Cumberbatch - one starts out "Morons . . . " about the lines of fans for the "Hamlet", and the other is about BC's Cell Phone Lecture outside the stage door. Hiddleston has not shown up much in recent times, but he has shown up in a couple of threads related to other topics - mention of him and Olsen in one, and mention of him in the "British Actors Taking Over" thread . . . they aren't always the OP topics, but if you think they've been banned from being mentioned at all . . . wishful thinking. And the DL archives are full of threads on TH and BC.

    So check again.

  77. Not Taking Sides8:42 AM

    I did see those couple of Hiddleston comments. I missed the BC threads. Must be shorting some spare time somewhere. Can't be where you know. Very few people can. Only those who run professional gossip blogs check EVERYWHERE for gossip on their favorite stars. I just hit the headlines. And look specific information up when necessary or if someone asks me. In fact, I've spent far too much time on this agruement. Good night. Or Good Afternoon? Or Good Morning? Depending on where you are posting from?

  78. beachgurl12:55 PM

    I honestly would take anything from Datalounge with a HUGE grain of salt. Some of those dudes see it as their mission to make everyone gay to support their agends, whether its true or not. Cumby isn't gay and I don't think Hiddles is. But hey that's UK and they grow up in boys schools and they experiment there, so they don't have the horror of it that some statesiders do. But it doesn't mean they grow up gay either. They seem fey and snobbish to macho americans, americans seem redneck and uneducated to them for the most part Its nothing more than a difference in culture. I'm American, but I lived there many years, and I love them.

  79. Gatorfisch just posted a "prediction" that Enty will run a BI about Sophie Hunter being on drugs. Let's all wait and see if it comes true! Then we can all marvel at her extraordinary "psychic" ability.
