Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Today's Blind Items - She Fought Back

From the time she was about 12, this former A- list dual threat actress was being molested on a regular basis not only by the producer of her show, but also by two of the writers. She lost her virginity to one of the co-stars of her show while the producer watched. She was alone. She was on the set all the time. She was a vibrant, funny, outgoing person before this happened. Despite her young age, this was not her first acting gig. She had several shows under her belt. She felt pressured by the producer to go along with what he said and he gave her a huge reward. Her own show. This all sounds like a pattern that has been repeated over the years. She was thrilled. She thought all the forced sex and groping would stop. She was wrong. Despite her growing fame, she was always threatened with the show being taken from her and given to someone else if she did not cooperate. After a failed attempt at suicide, she confessed to some close to her what had been happening. They told her to stand strong and she did. A week later when she said no to the producer, she thought everything was going to be great. Three days later, the show was canceled.