Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Bonus Reveal

May 27, 2015

At this point, almost everyone knows this couple is headed for a breakup. Child care and custody have been divided and payments discussed. I think maybe they each hold out hope they will get back together, but there are a lot of issues. Some, are kind of out there for the world to see. There is the womanizing and the drinking and the gambling. On her part there is that she expects things to be a certain way and is compulsive and almost OCD in her every day life. She can be a huge pain and it is not like she has a bunch of great recommendations from any of her exes. There has never been a good split with anyone in her life.

There is more though. It is his way of risking everything by taking huge chances like he wants to get caught. There was the former B+ list mostly television actress from the hit almost network show. They hooked up a bunch over a very short period of time and if he had left his wife then, there would have been an entirely different past two years that took place. She would much prefer him to her current. Not even close.

There was the co-star he got pregnant. That was something that has continued to require a great deal of rug sweeping. Lots and lots. The co-star who got pregnant thinks she has everything under control on her side but when our star gets drunk he starts calling in the middle of the night and the co-star has a tough time explaining the late night calls to her significant other.

Oh, and speaking of late night calls. The odds on favorite to claim our guy should the split become official is his ex. Yep. That ex. The one you are thinking about. They hook up all the time. All the time. With her job prospects suddenly limited, she thinks this would be a great time to get back together. When she was with him, she was at her peak. It was because of the buzz that she reached her peak. She wants that buzz. She wants the flashbulbs. Hopefully he has more sense.

Don’t even get me started on the dozens of dealers and part-time hookers that are in casinos that he has spent hours or nights with. Any of them could spill their story and make a few bucks. It is shocking that to this point none have. Maybe they all think he will come back to them.

Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner/Scott Foley/Michael Vartan/Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds/Jennifer Lopez


  1. sandybrook3:17 AM

    I'm missing something? Where's the co-star he got pregnant??

  2. Derek Harvey3:18 AM

    Nailed it ; )

  3. MontanaMarriott3:20 AM

    Me thinks Enty is trying to protect the pregnant co-star's identity

  4. back again3:21 AM

    It's there @Sandy--1st Sentence,3rd Paragraph

  5. Khaleesi3:21 AM

    It's there Sandy. Blake Lively.

    And Derek, Ive been waiting for you to "nailed it". Lol! I would have done it for you already

  6. sandybrook3:26 AM

    Blake's the tv actress .

  7. sandybrook3:27 AM

    who is she?

  8. Blake Lively, if I count references correctly.

  9. Kathy3:29 AM

    He left out the pregnant co-star...I am thinking Rosamund Pike....she had a child not that long ago and she has a significant other, not husband

  10. […] Today’s Blind Items – Bonus Reveal – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS May 27, 2015At this point, almost everyone knows this couple is headed for a breakup. Child care and custody have been divided and payments discussed. I think maybe they each hold out hope they will get back together, but there are a lot of issues. Some, are kind of out there for the world to see. There is the womanizing and the drinking and the gambling. On her part there is that she expects things to be a certain way and is compulsive and almost OCD in her every day life. She can be a huge pain and it is not like she has a bunch of great recommendations from any of her exes. There has never been a good split with anyone in her life.There is more though. It is his way of risking everything by taking huge chances like he wants to get caught. There was the former B+ list mostly television actress from the hit almost network show. They hooked up a bunch over a very short period of time and if he had left his wife then, there would have been an entirely different past two years that took place. She would much prefer him to her current. Not even close.There was the co-star he got pregnant. That was something that has continued to require a great deal of rug sweeping. Lots and lots. The co-star who got pregnant thinks she has everything under control on her side but when our star gets drunk he starts calling in the middle of the night and the co-star has a tough time explaining the late night calls to her significant other.Oh, and speaking of late night calls. The odds on favorite to claim our guy should the split become official is his ex. Yep. That ex. The one you are thinking about. They hook up all the time. All the time. With her job prospects suddenly limited, she thinks this would be a great time to get back together. When she was with him, she was at her peak. It was because of the buzz that she reached her peak. She wants that buzz. She wants the flashbulbs. Hopefully he has more sense.Don’t even get me started on the dozens of dealers and part-time hookers that are in casinos that he has spent hours or nights with. Any of them could spill their story and make a few bucks. It is shocking that to this point none have. Maybe they all think he will come back to them.Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner/Scott Foley/Michael Vartan/Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds/Jennifer Lopez Reply With Quote […]

  11. sandybrook3:30 AM

    the tv actress.

  12. snitty3:31 AM

    Yes, Sandy! Exactly what I was wondering.

  13. Kathy3:32 AM

    I don't think is the pregnant co-star...she is the B+ Actress from the almost network now married to Ryan....I don't think Ryan would put up with one call from Affleck to his wife without losing his shit

  14. snitty3:34 AM

    Whoa..when I typed that out, the only comment showing was Sandy asking about the preggers co-star. I don't think Enty meant that Blake is both the tv star and the pregnant costar

  15. Dickson3:35 AM

    Rosamund Pike got pregnant a couple of months before their press tour for Gone Girl. If she is the costar, that means they've been hooking up even after the movie. Coz press tours and movie showings are almost always a year after shoots.

  16. StewMcG3:35 AM

    Is the costar he got pregnant Rosamund Pike? I remember her being visibly pregnant during the "Gone Girl" publicity tour late last year. Plus she isn't married to the baby's father, thus the use of "significant other" instead of "spouse".

  17. Sally3:35 AM

    The timeline doesn't work for it to be Blake Lively. Enty didn't name the baby mama.

  18. TheDude783:36 AM

    Enty is not implying that Affleck got Blake Lively pregnant. He didn't reveal who that was, and rightfully so.

  19. selenakyle3:41 AM

    I agree with sandybrook and MM--

    Enty alludes to the preggo co-star (a whole paragraph about it) but doesn't reveal her.

    I think it's someone other than BL. Probably his scary-eyes Gone Girl co-star.

  20. Georgia3:44 AM

    Lively is surley the television actress, but dont think she is also the one who got pregnant. I wonder if Blake&Ryan will be the next couple breaking up.
    Could the baby mama be Gal Gadot?

  21. back again3:48 AM

    I had guessed Gal Gadot but I thought the consensus was Emily Ratajkowski-the young girlfriend in "Gone Girl" & her longtime Beau broke up with her afterwards-did i dream that?

  22. WHOA is me3:50 AM

    So it isn't Ryan Reynold's child, it is Ben Affleck's. WHOA. Damn.

  23. candy3:52 AM

    It is definitely meaning Blake Lively is the co-star he got pregnant. Enty isn't hiding the identity - there is no ambiguity here. He got Blake Lively pregnant, she had a baby that is his, Ryan Reynold's is not the father (Maury would love this one??), and when he is drunk he dials in the night talking about it.

  24. back again3:53 AM

    Rosamund Pike Abhorred Ben Affleck & Everything He stood for & all of his Immature Antics offset & Visa-Versa...right??? you will NOT find many kind clips or soundbites about them working with one another..

  25. back again3:54 AM

    *** Happy To Be Working With One Another. (i meant to type)

  26. Kno Won Uno4:06 AM

    + Infinity

  27. Kno Won Uno4:09 AM

    I gotta say - I don't think there's anything wrong with visiting strip clubs or gambling if you can afford it. It shouldn't have been a surprise, either. Marrying a person you see as raw material for the next iteration you're hoping to design is a really bad idea. Either take your partner as they are or walk away.
    This does not apply to screwing everything s/he sees or parenting a bunch of children outside the relationship - unless that's been pre-negotiated and agreed upon.

  28. Fritanga4:30 AM

    Lively is not the pregnant co-star = she was trying to vamp Affleck away from garner all during the shooting of The Town. Then he went back to his wife.

    I think the pregnant co-star was either Pike or someone else on Gone, Girl.

    Notice that Enty also didn't name Jennifer Lopez as the ex, although that's glaringly obvious.

    Interesting that he's laying the blame for the breakup partially on Garner, using her bad breakups with Foley and Vartan as examples of her past behavior.

  29. Lila Fowler4:42 AM

    I think the pregnant costar is Olga from To The Wonder. Even Lainey has mentioned Oklahoma in her blinds about Ben and a costar.

  30. Lila Fowler4:43 AM

    Also, Olga K. looks just like his type. She was dating Danny Huston when they were filming, broke up in 2013.

  31. back again4:51 AM

    They Filmed "To The Wonder" in 2010...does that work???

  32. back again4:55 AM

    I thought he was in love with Rachel McAdams during "To The Wonder"---could she've been pregnant? were these the Gosling or Sheen Years?

  33. If done right, this would make a pretty good movie.

  34. Wendy5:53 AM

    Enty doesn't say that the costar kept the baby, so it could be any of his former costars

  35. We could just wait a couple of years and see which Hollywood toddler has his distinctive butt-chin!

  36. Patty O. Furniture6:48 AM

    What about Rebecca Hall for the co-star who got pregnant? There were rumors about then during filming.

  37. And-so-on..7:41 AM

    She's set him loose in the wild to handle the major consequences of his continual down fall into the depths of the gutter he loves to wallow in with his like-minded elitist wealthy companions.. Burn out your brains and spoil your health, abandon your kids.. and ruin your reputation Ben, you are free.. you are finally free..

  38. becki6268:39 AM

    Rich People problems. Aside from him having to hire a seperate discreet reliable nanny when he 'has' the kids, his life won't change

  39. The dealers at the casinos in Detroit were fine with Ben. He tipped well. All they had to do was keep him away from the blackjack tables. He was drinking, and had lots of young blonde women around however.

  40. Penelope 28:58 AM

    Rachel McAdams?

  41. No, honey. You got that wrong. The pregnant co-star has not been named.

  42. Jennifer Lopez is listed. Right at the end. And really, why shouldn't JG get called out for her BS?

  43. Scallywag10:01 AM

    Rebecca Hall had other marriages to break up during The Town. She was seeing Sam Mendes then.

  44. Malibuborebee12:11 PM

    Sure, Ben's a drunk and a gambler and a cheater. Everyone knows that.

    I'm just glad that Enty's not trying to sell us St. Jen of the Blessed Daily Pap Walk.

  45. Mchuddy1:28 PM

    January jones for the ego he got pregnant. They started together in 2010. She had her son in 2011...??

  46. Mhuddy1:38 PM

    January jones. They worked together in 2010and she had her kid in 2011

  47. thebutlerdidit6:35 PM

    I thought January's kid was that producer, or director dude? I forget, after everyone saying it wasn't Bobby Flay's kid, I lost interest.
    I think half of N America that goes to casinos has seen Affleck in one. Wallowing on a youngish, cheapish, cocktail chick. I have.

    Jennifer G is NOT a saint.
