Sunday, July 05, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

June 29, 2015

This B- list celebrity offspring who calls herself a model, but does not really do much modeling went shopping this weekend with the credit card of her A list celebrity boyfriend. She dropped $50K in a few hours in one store. Apparently the former tweener still has a ton of money if he can afford for her to spend that much that quickly.

Hailey Baldwin/Justin Bieber


  1. Derek Harvey3:42 AM

    nailed it

  2. snitty3:47 AM

    They're a couple? I thought she is gay? Well, come to think of Justin does look like a girl.

  3. So true, it's that's funny!

  4. Good for her :)

  5. CobraDemander4:30 AM

    ireland Baldwin is the daughter that's supposedly gay.

  6. @CobraDemander, I'm beginning to think these attention hoes play at being gay for awhile to get, well, attention.

  7. Angela64:51 AM

    @H2O I think so too, the last few years at my nieces HS about 30 of them decided to be gay until prom season, then it was OMG! I need a date!

  8. And-so-on..5:00 AM

    Her love time ain't free.. it's negotiable.. make it worth her suffering boredom or bang zoom, she's gone.

  9. CobraDemander5:53 AM

    @ H20

  10. CobraDemander5:54 AM


  11. CobraDemander5:57 AM

    Why are both my above posts not showing the whole post? Is it because I'm responding to someone and used an @? May seem like a dumb question, but I'm fairly new new to commenting on here, but have been a reader/longtime fan of the regular commentators for a coup years:)

  12. Whywhywhy???6:41 AM

    @CB...wait until you get a duplicate post notice when the first post has not even posted...I think site issues not censorship.

  13. I think this is Stephen's daughter. He's the one who did Biodome then became a religious nut job.
