Friday, July 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 22, 2015

This A- list reality star from a franchise reality show who has also acted and appeared on another reality show or two both network and cable was being considered for a full-time gig on this very popular cable show. She has appeared on it before. When her list of demands grew to four pages though, enough was enough and she was passed over.

NeNe Leakes/Fashion Police


  1. TheCousinEddy5:35 AM

    Just hire Ru-Paul already.

  2. And-so-on..7:04 AM

    Classy, sassy and strictly accurate Tim Gunn is the only one to save them too much embarrassment on the fashion police reboot!

  3. June Gordon1:12 PM

    Hiring Nene Leakes to criticize people's looks is like hiring Donald Trump to criticize people's thin-skinned brattiness.

  4. Whywhywhy???11:49 PM

    Amen June. The wig alone.

  5. nowig2:03 AM

    It isn't a wig. He has 2 feet of hair swooshed around his head and hels in place with super Aqua-Net.
