Monday, July 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 3, 2015

With things already on the rocks, the wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor wants to have a baby to secure her future but the A+lister wants nothing to do with having children.He quietly had a vasectomy to make sure it stays that way.

George Clooney


  1. Malibuborebee2:26 AM

    Such bullshit. The entire world knows he doesn't want kids.

  2. Khaleesi2:41 AM

    He's always made it known that kids dont and wont factor in his life.

  3. hothotheat3:29 AM

    I believe he got clipped a while ago, like back in 90's.

  4. Violet3:30 AM

    If he's had a vasectomy he probably had it done many years ago to stop any one of those succession of girlfriends from 'accidentally' getting pregnant.

  5. Mariaj4:06 AM

    Maybe Amal thinks she could get him to change his mind, like he changed his mind about getting married again, AND doing in such high profile, too? Would you have imagined, just some years ago, that Clooney would have put a more or less " kardashainian " act, with his marriage?

  6. And who knows. Maybe he REALLY is head over heels in love and changed his mind about children.

  7. mariaj4:40 AM

    " Maybe he REALLY is head over heels in love and changed his mind about children.

    MAAAAYBE, but somehow, i find very hard to believe that ;)

  8. CindyC5:09 AM

    She still might be able to bag him even if the baby isn't his. I heard that a baby born within a marriage is still the responsiblity of the husband even if a paternity test proves it is not actually his. I'm no lawyer though and I don't even play one on tv.

    he got married outside of the US, so maybe that's not even a factor.

  9. Vasectomy worked for me.
    No kids since the procedure 20 plus years ago.

  10. Penelope 27:47 AM

    How is it already on the rocks? This is a fake marriage because he wants to get into politics... I don't believe for a second that he really finds knobby kneed, Adam's appled, buck toothed, big nosed Amal in any way attractive so unless she is black mailing him with threats of telling the public the truth (which would hurt her career too, so I doubt it), what could be on the rocks?

  11. Mary Carol8:17 AM

    WOW That didn't take long. I wonder if she got the 20 million up front that she wanted. Will he wait a year and bail? Why sell the Cabo house? That makes no sense.

  12. Selene9:58 AM

    I wonder did he think he was marrying someone sophisticated and above all the Hollywood crap, only to discover that she's just as much a famewhore as all the others.

  13. ItchyKat10:22 AM

    Wow. I'm amazed at the cynicism re: George and Amal's marriage.
    She's attractive enough, and it's been said that she's brilliant, witty, and can match Geoge intellectually, if not better. He said he'd never marry, and he did. He might like guys sometimes, who knows, but he most certainly LOVES women.

  14. Nancer10:42 AM

    I think it's more likely he got snipped years ago, and is balking at having it reversed for her.

  15. PhD Gossip10:58 AM

    I think she is bleeding him dry financially. I bet he has to support her whole leech family; gave her the UK house free and clear in her name plus a 20M prenup gift. Plus the circus that is his life is more expensive than ever.
    Gossip genie, please let him dump her soon.

  16. Mooshki11:05 AM

    Remember the old-timey blind about him convincing Krista Allen to have three abortions during the time they were together?

  17. Didn't he have a vasectomy a long time ago?

  18. ettacettera1:31 PM

    Don't know about 3, but years ago she did an interview..with pictures of him all over her house, and she talked about one, saying how it was for her career(hahaha) but he got her some parts to make up for it..always figured that's when he got snipped. I don't recall the dinky publication..local la stuff..but it was taken down pretty quick..wonder if she still has the shrine of him..hmmm

  19. Stuart7:03 PM

    Since when did gold digging whores take that for an answer?
