Saturday, July 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #34 - Kindness

June 8, 2015

This foreign born B- list mostly movie actor who is in the top earning movie of the weekend has one of the longest list of credits I have ever seen. He is crazy funny and is also very kind. This past week he stopped by a children’s hospital and donated a dozen top of the line game systems with a huge supply of games. Apparently he does this kind of thing fairly frequently.

Peter Serafinowicz


  1. sandybrook10:48 AM

    B list for someone unknown?

  2. Lila Fowler10:50 AM

    Who the hell is this? B list?

  3. Suzanne11:04 AM

    He acted in Guardians of the Galaxy. He also voices in Minions.

  4. JustALurker11:33 AM

    Played 'Aldo' in Melissa McCarthy's Spy flick.
    Solid Brit character actor.
    I like him even more now.

  5. Louie3:51 PM

    He's a very funny guy ---does a lot of "funny or die" videos and also voice work for films and commercials. Married to Sarah Alexander, who starred in Coupling and a bunch of other UK hits. He's one of those faces you'll start seeing everywhere once you figure out who he is. He was charming in "66, a sweet film about a football mad boy in London who thinks his world is ending when his bar mitzvah falls on the same day as the 66 World Cup final.

  6. Oobejabbawonka4:06 AM

    He is not unknown! Just because he's not widely known in the US doesn't mean he's not VERY well-known in the UK. Or don't we count? Anyway - love him!

  7. JayJay6:25 AM

    @Oobejabbawonka - He's pretty well known in the US too. Just a few people on here seem to think the world revolves around them & the little bubble they live in.

    He's got a ton of acting credits, had a big role in Guardians of the Galaxy (biggest hit last year, or 1 of the biggest) Just that 1 movie alone could put him at a B- (it's minus not B Lila) then you add the long list of his other credits & you get B- Tons of voice work as well, has a very popular podcast that travels around & sells out theaters & comedy clubs. He's pretty much got his hands in every cookie jar, but apparently we're only supposed to go by the tiny bubble Lila & Sandy's live in. If I commented about how I don't know someone on this site I'd be doing it for nearly every single blind item. But I know the world doesn't revolve around me & the people that I know & don't know, so I tend to stay quiet when I don't know someone.

  8. JayJay6:29 AM

    You know what I just realized he doesn't do a podcast, it's on radio & I listened to it online.

  9. Sorry, but if someone is not fairly easily identifiable by the majority of readers then he's not B list.

  10. Jennifer J9:38 AM

    the voice of Darth Maul, was in Shaun of the Dead.

  11. JayJay11:02 AM

    2 readers, now 3 don't recognize him. The 6 of us that have commented do. It says B minus not a solid B too. Being in Guardians of the Galaxy in a prominent role would put him at B minus almost on it's own. Then you add in all the voice work, the movie roles in Spy (was number 1 when it came out) & Shaun of the Dead & there's no doubt he's B minus.
