Saturday, July 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #26

February 24, 2015

This best selling author who has an ego that continues to grow daily by leaps and bounds is getting even worse than she used to be and people are starting to talk. There was already the secret payout a movie studio had to make to keep a writer from suing for assault. Something to do with a chair being tossed at the writer and cutting her face. During filming of a movie based on one of her books she demanded that roses be replaced in her trailer every four hours. She would go into hysterical screaming rages if food was not cooked right or if someone did not get out of her way fast enough. No one who has ever met her wants to be with her any longer than they have to.

EL James


  1. Lila Fowler8:35 AM

    Dana Brunetti would disagree with that last sentence.

  2. fritanga8:40 AM

    Gee. All that ego from re-tooled Twilight fanfic. And only NOW people are starting to dislike her? I guess money also buys extreme tolerance.

  3. This woman is a pig.

  4. elinetti9:16 AM

    wow, another episode to this story...this movie was really a dog to begin with. Hunnam must have smelled a rat, maybe it was the original writer.

  5. She believes her on PR!

  6. Worst reveal day ever

  7. @Mmm, the blinds haven't been so hot lately either. It appears that all the A listers are behaving themselves. Sad.

  8. Golden4:57 PM

    Now I don't feel so bad about the roasting she got on Twitter a few days ago.

  9. Oobejabbawonka4:11 AM

    She is scum on every level.

  10. Groaning11:05 AM

    She is just pissed off that she is not the one starting next to Jamie Dornan. Though I have to be honest, if she had just cast herself as Anastasia, the movie would have been an even bigger hit. That would have been comedy gold.
