Blind Items Revealed #23
February 20, 2015
It happened three or four decades ago now. There he was the almost A list movie star. He had a television show under his belt. He was a very good friend of this permanent A list celebrity but not the best friend of him. That title belonged to someone else (lets call him DF) and our actor befriended him. They would spend almost every evening together and pick up women. Lots of women. They rarely even dressed because there were so many women to choose from. Sometimes though the woman you wanted didn’t want to be with you. DF though showed our actor how it could be done. You see, DF was a doctor and would write out prescriptions for himself and others. He showed our actor what worked best for what type of person and under what situations. They would practice on women all the time to see if they would pass out or become more willing or if the dose did nothing. In the meantime they would continue to have sex with every woman they saw. One day they decided to put their theories into practice and from that day forward, both of them were hooked on the system. They didn’t have to be nice. They didn’t have to care. They didn’t have to worry if the woman didn’t want them, they just would hand her a pill and back in the day there were tons of pills. They would wait a few minutes and then drag her stumbling to a bedroom where she would pass out or be close to it and they would each take a turn. For years they did this until DF’s own addictions became too much, but he did leave our actor a present. Hundreds and hundreds of their special pills.
Bill Cosby/Hugh Hefner/Dr. Mark Saginor