Saturday, July 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #22

February 20, 2015

I didn’t think I could dislike this guy any more than I did, but I was wrong. This still married A list celebrity/host/former actor was with some women at a club. This was in a club. Not a hotel room or home, but in a club and threw some money down on the ground and told the women it was theirs for the taking if they opened a champagne bottle inside their va jay jay. One of the women did it and then our A lister made her crawl over to him to get the money on the floor.

Nick Cannon


  1. No injuries?

    PS: Is it just me or does the "You Might Also Like" overlap the "Recent Comments" time to time?

  2. It does, Me. But considering some of the crap other people have to complain about, I guess we're getting off easy on this site!

  3. Studio549:29 AM

    OMG, what a pig.

  4. Penelope 21:17 PM

    I don't understand people who like to see degradation in other humans.
