Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2- Old Hollywood

April 9, 2015

This studio head/film producer was famous for his daily sex sessions with bit parts actresses from his films, but he also made the women come to a party every Friday after work in a studio building where he would give one of them an award for best f**k of the week and a speaking role in a movie. The party would turn into an orgy with ten or so men and these actresses. Then they would go home to the family for the weekend.

Darryl Zanuck


  1. Kno Won Uno2:02 AM

    Well, at least there were weekly tangible rewards, instead of "I'll call you"...amirite? =\

  2. BigBlue2:40 AM

    It always amazes me how some of these guys could pull "meat trains" all week long and then go back to their spouses on the weekends and play the "loving" husband/father. They must have had some freakish ability to mentally compartmentalize their lives, much like the men who have multiple secret families who don't know about each other until long after they're gone (e.g., Charles Lindbergh)...

  3. TopperMadison3:19 AM

    It does seem more fair than empty promises.

  4. back again3:20 AM

    ...what's changed?

  5. Groaning6:28 AM

    That is just sick. I hope the wives filled their husbands' underwear with Ben gay.

  6. back again6:37 AM

    @PoppyBlackOfLondon got this FTW with details even!!

  7. Malibuborebee8:24 AM

    Meh. Typical then, typical now - nothing new at all.
