Saturday, July 18, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 3, 2015

She wants you to believe one thing, but she is 180 degrees the polar opposite. She has always gone for the hey, I might not wear very many clothes when I perform and my breasts are not real, but deep down, I am innocent look. It is the story she contrived from her very first single. Her image is tightly controlled and even interviews with her are micro managed far more than other artists of her stature. It is very rare she will ever agree to an interview that has not been planned out for weeks in advance. One thing that would never come up because so few people suspect it is her drug use. When you think of singers and musicians you think of drugs, but she is quite possibly the biggest of all time. Yes, even more than Keith Richards. Ever since she hit it big she has been spending money like crazy on coke. Before getting famous she dabbled in coke but she did not pay for it in cash. Nope, she paid for it with her body. It is also how she made ends meet when she was struggling. Somehow that fails to make it into her official biography. It is not like she did that every day. It was a need to buy groceries or pay rent thing. Don’t even get me started on the record executives and managers she landed because of sex. This is a drug story. A drug story that has seen one A list ex have to go to rehab and almost killed him. He feigned a different ailment, but it was the drugs that almost killed him. Another ex said it was like a blizzard of snow and he couldn’t stay with someone who was that into partying and drugs. She has never missed a show because of drugs, but then again she does not have any shows during the day when she is trying to sleep. Also, during her numerous costume changes she often finds the time to do coke. You can always tell when she is trying to quit. She disappears from the map for several days and when she emerges she is always minus makeup and minus any kind of smile and looks like someone who has not slept for a week.

Katy Perry/John Mayer/Russell Brand


  1. UsuallyLurking1:37 AM

    Wow this was a surprisingly very quick reveal.

  2. And-so-on..1:38 AM

    Well eventually she'll hit the wall, her suffering body will have had enough, the jig is up .. all the troubles are a little too bizarre and real for me to cope with and continue this abuse with out fear..

  3. Katy is so basic. Even her "dirt" is boring.

  4. snitty1:49 AM


  5. Jessica1:58 AM

    I was CONVINCED this was Britney Spears. She only preforms at night and always looks strung out sans make up if you see her at all!

  6. Scarlett Drawl2:11 AM

    I always thought her drug use was widely known as why Russell Brand left her. I didn't realize she was at this level but I'm not surprised.

  7. Damn I remember her song "Circle The Drain" and a few other songs about having a significant other addicted to drugs and it ruining their relationship. manipulative bitch!

  8. Way back in the days of Ted Casablanca's blinds (remember him?) there was one about a singer he called Strawberry something-or-other who had a bad cocaine habit. Because Perry has a strawberry tattoo on her ankle. she was the popular guess for the blind. If this is true, then she's had a problem for a long time. It makes me wonder how much longer she can hold up.

  9. I remember that.
    Hot diggity.... that WAS a long time ago. Yikes! O_o

  10. Studio5410:02 AM

    I'm truly shocked. Doesn't she purport to be a Christian, or did?

    To say more than Keith Richards is a heck of a statement. Everyone should read "Up and Down with the Rolling Stones, written by their former drug dealer (one of them), Tony Sanchez. One time Keef stored some drugs in the walls of a guest house on Ronnie Wood's property (he was then with the Faces). When Keef was suffering withdrawals, he went to where he had stashed the drugs, and proceeded to tear at the walls with his bare hands....

    Katy looks nothing like Keef either. Keef had lost a lot of teeth doing drugs. She still looks relatively clean.

  11. back again10:17 AM

    Perhaps this reveal's to make up for the unfortunate tethering debaucle however I must admit that I'm another one that learned something from it: what tethering meant- so I was ok with that.

  12. back again10:18 AM


  13. pfffft!10:54 AM

    Cocaine's a hell of a drug. If this is true then she will either have a heart attack or her heart will enlarge to the size of a basketball. Remember Rick James? It is not kind to the old tick tock. Shocking and sad if true.

  14. patrica11:11 AM

    Well Katy had to support herself unlike other singers of her stature who come fromBIG BIG BIIIIIIG Money.

  15. Great Goss!!!

  16. Considering the way she treated Travis McCoy, I'm not surprised.

  17. Gadzooks10:08 PM

    Katie Perry was never a Christian, she played the game because her parents are. She used the rep to maintain a facade that has never been true. She is fake, cruel and like all addicts, self absorbed. Then again so are the people who she surrounds herself with. Do anything for a paycheck. Anything.

  18. Yes, I remember that. Now that you mention it, could someone refresh my memory and tell me what happened to Ted?

  19. June Gordon8:01 AM

    FInally! Something almost interesting about her.

  20. Ella Bee1:03 PM

    Strawberry Snort-Em!

  21. Ella Bee1:04 PM

    @Me: Ted was fired for outing Jeremy Renner by using his real first name instead of the blind name in the blind. It was a huge deal, E! totally denied it and Ted couldn't talk about it, but it was within hours after that blind was published. He does other things now- I loved Ted!!

  22. What about Jeremy Renner????

  23. Ella Bee2:02 PM

    @carole9073 He gay!
