Thursday, July 16, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 1, 2015

What this A list mostly movie actor needs right now is his actress significant other to be sober. She isn’t. She likes to pretend she is and that she is sober and supportive but she is just as out of control as he is.

Johnny Depp/Amber Heard


  1. And-so-on..12:23 AM

    I hear drying out in jail works wonders.. let her go to jail, .. free rehab bonus ..Johnny...

  2. This contradicts a past reveal, which stated she wouldn't marry him until he got clean.

    Anyone who looks at pix of her after she got with him can tell she's using also.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:02 AM

    Seriously. That was obviously a crock. This is why I read for entertainment, not information.

  4. Why is everything the women's responsibility? What he needs is to get clean. The only person who has any control over that is the man himself. She is his wife. If a sober coach is needed, he should hire one.

  5. Sarah4:29 AM

    These two nasty tricks are going to crash and burn SOOOOO bad. It will be epic.

  6. Sad but true.

    I still have some lingering affection for Johnny. The main problem seems to be that he doesn't want to clean up.

  7. Just can not find any sympathy for Johnny.
