Friday, July 03, 2015

Blind Item #9

This B- list mostly television actress with A list name recognition has not done much since her long running hit show went off the air several years ago. She recently landed a movie role and called in sick after two days of shooting to go on vacation with her boyfriend.


  1. sandybrook4:08 AM

    sounds good ta me

  2. Tricia134:10 AM

    sandy T-1 hour and counting???? Happy Hour:) Holidaze weekend:)

  3. back again4:11 AM

    yup again..Tricia's You're On Fireworks Today Gurl!!
    i saw her pics in DM on vacation w/her so called beau- i feel kinda badly for her actually & I'm not even a fan of hers at all(much more so for Marissa Tomei though who's entertained this household for years).

  4. back again4:13 AM

    @sandy- i like your Avi very much!

  5. Tricia134:18 AM

    i dont care much for her either. She is grasping to her rich guy with claws---not sure why she doesnt just keep working herself--have hjer own thing, unless she is petrified of losing him if she isnt around..

  6. If it's Eva, her boyfriend isn't worth keeping. Instead of planning another vacation and making her choose between him or her career (the only reason he knows who she is) he should have encouraged her to show up and do a great job.

    When her career is over, this relationship will be over. He is passive aggressive on steroids.

  7. sandybrook5:20 AM

    Thx back again that's me when I was 5 months old celebrating New Year's Eve! :D Looks like I got into my father's stash!

  8. sandybrook5:20 AM

    Yep almost tiki time!

  9. texasrose9:32 AM

    Could also be Hatcher.

  10. whatzmyname12:14 PM

    Eva Longoria is trying to do a Salma Hayek. Score a billionaire and be set for life! I doubt she will be as succesful as Salma in the gold digger department. Lol!

  11. back again1:07 PM

    very cute : )

  12. thebutlerdidit5:04 PM

    Eva Longoria is dumber than a box of hair. She should thank her lucky stars daily for her really good looks.
