Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Blind Item #6

This openly gay A+list designer recently had to pay almost $1M to settle with the family of a 16 year old boy he was having a relationship with. Even though the designer is a million years older, the age difference was not the issue. They sued because of the lifelong STD the teen acquired through the relationship.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Calvin Klein

  2. Derek Harvey1:14 AM

    That is disgusting---he should be in jail and have to pay 100 million dollars

  3. 1M is not enough. I would have asked for 15 mil. Only 16, his whole life is ahead of him. Sick Bastard!

  4. I'm sorry, but how is he being sued in what sounds like civil court for damages, but is NOT being arrested for having sex with a minor?

  5. Maybe it happened in a country where 16 is already age of consent? and the small amount money for a lifelong STD makes me think it's some "poor" country - maybe somewhere in Eastern Europe? Prague has lots of fashion shows.

  6. fritanga3:22 AM

    There was probably only the threat of a lawsuit, which was quickly settled out of court with lots of non-disclosure agreements signed. But I agree - this disgusting old coot probably gave the kid HIV and he certainly should have paid more money for the kid and his family.

  7. June Gordon3:43 AM

    I just hope that life-long STD don't start with an H.

  8. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~4:31 AM

    kuntye west

  9. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:06 AM

    Every non-retarded person can totally f word conciously with other people when they are 16, just look at the time your mates lost their virginity. From 15 y/o, any distintion is just legal gibberish.
    The issue here is giving STD without the guy's knowledge, anything else is ok in my book.

  10. Groaning5:48 AM

    Only one million?! They must be some country folk deep in the rural parts if they stupidly settled for such little money. Their son has an std for life.

    Oh excuse me, their underage son has an STD for life!!! The designer should be in jail!

  11. gossiphound10:02 AM

    Terrible, sick, irresponsible. Could be hep c or herpes both are lifelong STDs too.

  12. Malibuborebee10:12 AM

    If it had been HIV/AIDS it would have cost him a lot more money.

    It's probably herpes and the 16 year old was no doubt over the age of consent when they were together. It's still gross, it's just not illegally gross.

  13. back again5:38 PM

    +1000 @Derek -why isn't this being investigated(perhaps b/c it's not true?--if true,statutory rape is statutory rape-consent is irrelevant.

  14. back again5:43 PM

    i guess he could be from a different Country as @rrrrr states.
